Category Archives: Ancestor Sketch
Busby (Busbee) – Surname Saturday
The Busby surname has origins in North Yorkshire, Leicestershire, and Renfrewshire. There are about 31,000 people with the Busby surname, mostly in the US, especially Texas, California, and Alabama. Ancestry message boards and genealogy sites have substantial Busby-related content. Elnora Busby Vincent is a key figure in the Howell family tree. Continue reading
Marshall – Surname Saturday
My look at the Marshall surname, meaning, locations, my ancestors, and my earliest known ancestor’s descendants. Continue reading
The Time Before My Memories
I don’t remember much before I was 4 or 5, so anything before 1955 is based on what I have been told. In the 1970s, I wrote a page about my early life, residences & schools—most of the information about … Continue reading
Ancestor Sketch – Reuben Fugate
This is a brief Ancestor Sketch of my 5th great-grandfather, Reuben Fugate. Continue reading
Reuben Fugate & the 1810 and 1820 Censuses
I took a found Reuben Fugate and his household in the 1810 and 1820 Census. Continue reading