Category Archives: Census Sunday

Rufus Harry Darling in the Censuses

Genealogist Don Taylor revisits the life of Rufus Harry Darling, born 1857, raised by his mother after his father’s early death. He details Rufus’ residencies from 1860-1910 across U.S. censuses, noting discrepancies in reported marital status and ages. Taylor outlines steps to validate Rufus’ life events, including verifying the death of Rufus’ first wife and confirming secondary sources. He aims to provide a robust, accurately sourced genealogical profile, reconciling census data with family lore and historical records. Continue reading

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Thomas Raidt & the Wisconsin Censuses.

The Wisconsin provides some insight and some additional questions regarding the Thomas Raidt household in the 1880s. Continue reading

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Reuben Fugate & the 1810 and 1820 Censuses

I took a found Reuben Fugate and his household in the 1810 and 1820 Census. Continue reading

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Reuben Fugate & the 1830 Census

Census SundayBrown ResearchBrown-Mannin-Fugate LineBy Don Taylor Introduction Following families in the early census records is always tricky, and a census record is often completely different from expectations. Such is the case concerning Reuben Fugate and the 1830 Census. Reuben died … Continue reading

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Nelson Barnes & the 1840 Census

Roberts ResearchRoberts-Barnes LineBy Don Taylor As I began researching my 3rd great-grandparents, Joel and Lucy Wilson (Taft) Barns, I found I know virtually nothing about them, and other researchers apparently know very little about them either. As such, I’ve found … Continue reading

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