Category Archives: Brown

Josiah Fugate – First Cousin[i] of the Blues.

Pocahontas ProjectBrown-Mannin(g)-Fugate LineBy Don Taylor Last year, I learned that I may have Pocahontas as an Ancestor. I was comfortable that Rachel Fugate was my 4th great-grandmother. I needed to confirm the line from her to my possible 12th great-grandmother, … Continue reading

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The Time Before My Memories

I don’t remember much before I was 4 or 5, so anything before 1955 is based on what I have been told. In the 1970s, I wrote a page about my early life, residences & schools—most of the information about … Continue reading

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Ancestor Sketch – Reuben Fugate

This is a brief Ancestor Sketch of my 5th great-grandfather, Reuben Fugate. Continue reading

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Reuben Fugate & the 1810 and 1820 Censuses

I took a found Reuben Fugate and his household in the 1810 and 1820 Census. Continue reading

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Reuben Fugate & the 1830 Census

Census SundayBrown ResearchBrown-Mannin-Fugate LineBy Don Taylor Introduction Following families in the early census records is always tricky, and a census record is often completely different from expectations. Such is the case concerning Reuben Fugate and the 1830 Census. Reuben died … Continue reading

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