Category Archives: Ancestor Sketch
Mannin in Carter County – 1880 Census
Census Sunday By Don Taylor One of my truly difficult lines to follow is my 2nd great-grandmother, Elisa Jane [or Lisa J.] (Fannin) Mannin. Several other researcher’s trees suggest her maiden surname was “Mannin” and was probably a cousin of … Continue reading
Lisa J Fannin and the Ancestry Trees.
Brown-Manning-Fannin By Don Taylor I’ve never been entirely comfortable with my entries for family relationships for my Great-grandmother, Mary Elizabeth Manning. I know my tree in that area goes back 30 years ago or more and was based upon other … Continue reading
Mother’s Day 2020 – Dancing Trees
Today, I remember my mother, who passed away last fall. I miss her love of art, music, and poetry. She wrote the following poem many years ago and remember her as I recite it out loud. Dancing Trees By Sylvia … Continue reading
Montrans in the News – Annual Concert at Ocean City
Montran Monday By Don Taylor This week for Montran Monday[i], I found an article from the Philadelphia Inquirer dated 22 July 1917. Article transcription: ANNUAL CONCERT AT OCEAN CITY Musical Feast to Be Given at Yacht Club July 27 With Noted Quartette … Continue reading