Category Archives: Vincent
William Hiram Vincent & the Early Censuses
Howell-Vincent Line Census Sunday By Don Taylor My wife’s third great-grandfather, Burkett Vincent, may have had 12 children, or he may have had eight. He apparently had two wives, Elizabeth Rose and an unknown first wife. To attempt to understand … Continue reading
Ancestor Sketch – Elizabeth Rose (?)
Howell-Vincent/Vinson-Rose By Don Taylor I used to, mistakenly, say that there are no real “Brick Walls.” Typically, a “Brick wall” is just a difficult record to find or a record that isn’t worth paying someone else to find for you. … Continue reading
Vincent-Vinson – Surname Saturday
By Don Taylor Name Origin It seems that the surname “Vinson” has two separate origins. First is that it comes from the “son of Vin or Vincent.” The second is that it is a corruption or variant of “Vincent.” It … Continue reading
The Revolutionary Rose Family of Halifax County, North Carolina
Howell by Don Taylor One of my wife’s third great-grandmothers was Elizabeth (Rose) Vincent. I have been unsuccessful in discovering a document that provides evidence for Elizabeth’s parents. Looking at other individual’s trees about 75% of other researchers suggest that … Continue reading
Elizabeth (Rose?) Vincent (1785-186?) & the Censuses
Census Sunday Howell-Vincent-Rose(?) By Don Taylor Women were only identified by name if they were the head of the household in the early (before 1850) censuses. So, following women in the early census records is often conjecture. Elizabeth (Rose) Vincent … Continue reading