Category Archives: Ancestor Sketch
Montrans in the News – Personals – Redondo, CA
Montran Monday By Don Taylor This week for Montran Monday[i], I found two short Montran mentions. The first one is from the Redondo Reflex (Redondo, CA) dated 16 Sep 1921 on page 7. Mrs. M. H. Babcock, of 304 Francisca avenue, … Continue reading
McAllister – Surname Saturday
McAllister Name Origin McAllister is an Anglicized form of the Gaelic name, Mac Alasdair, meaning “son of Alasdair.” Alasdair is the Gaelic form of Alexander. There are dozens of forms for this surname. My wife’s family line has records both … Continue reading
Darling DNA – ThruLines – Part 1
ThruLines Thursday Darling DNA My Wife’s Darling-Swayze-McAllister-Lamb Line Introduction My wife’s mother has had her DNA tested, so rather than using my wife’s matches, I’m going to use her mother’s matches to focus on my wife’s maternal line. It will … Continue reading
Vincent-Vinson – Surname Saturday
By Don Taylor Name Origin It seems that the surname “Vinson” has two separate origins. First is that it comes from the “son of Vin or Vincent.” The second is that it is a corruption or variant of “Vincent.” It … Continue reading
Letter of Elizabeth Jane (Swayze) Darling – Kalamazoo First Methodist Church
Darling Transcribed by Don Taylor Another article discovered on Genealogy Bank that provides insight into the lives of the Darling family of Kalamazoo during the mid-1800s. The Darling’s and the Swayze’s were involved with the First Methodist Church of Kalamazoo. … Continue reading