Tag Archives: North Carolina
Peter M. Howell (1805-?) – A Newspaper Review
Peter M. Howell (1805-?) – A Newspaper Review By Don Taylor Peter M. Howell is one of my brick walls. Although there is an excellent book about his travels,[i] it never mentions his parents’ names. Also, I have not found … Continue reading
Cleaning up my Howell Research
Howell-Darling Research By Don Taylor I recently discovered several death certificates, which I had downloaded in 2015, related to my wife’s Howell family line but were overlooked. This collection included a mix of processed, unexamined, and partially extracted documents for the … Continue reading
Busby (Busbee) – Surname Saturday
The Busby surname has origins in North Yorkshire, Leicestershire, and Renfrewshire. There are about 31,000 people with the Busby surname, mostly in the US, especially Texas, California, and Alabama. Ancestry message boards and genealogy sites have substantial Busby-related content. Elnora Busby Vincent is a key figure in the Howell family tree. Continue reading
Surname Saturday – Sills
Howell, Hobbs, Long, Bryan, Sills Line By Don Taylor Sills is a variation of Sill. The English Sills surname is likely derived from the name of an ancestor, for example, Silvester, Selwyn, or Sisley. Although possibly it could have come … Continue reading
Brown – Surname Saturday (2)
Brown Surname Meaning[i] English, Scottish, and Irish: Generally a nickname referring to the color of the hair or complexion, Middle English br(o)un, from Old English brun or Old French brun. As an American family name, it has absorbed numerous surnames … Continue reading