Ancestor Sketch
Roberts-Scott Line
By Don Taylor
Roberts Research 2019 – Ancestor #36
List of Grandparents
- – Grandfather: Bert Allen Roberts (1903-1949)
- – 1st Great-grandmother: Clora Dell Scott Roberts Adams (1883-1945)
- – 2nd Great-grandfather: Samuel Vaden Scott(1862-1931) & More
- – 3rd Great-grandfather: William Hunter Scott (c. 1834-1903)
- – 4th Great-grandfather: Samuel Kinkade Scott (1809-?)[1]
- – 5th Great-Grandfather: John Scott (1784-1856)
- – 6th Great-Grandfather: William Jarvis Scott (? – ?)
- – 7th Great-Grandfather: James Scott (1719-1783)
William Hunt Scott (c.1834-1903)
William Hunt Scott was born in Turkey Hill, St. Clair County Illinois about 1834. His father, John Scott, came to Illinois with his father in s1797 and along with five brothers and one brother-in-law established the “Turkey Hill” colony in present-day St. Clair County. This was the first American settlement in the county.
In other news of the times, The Black Hawk War had ended only two years before his birth. John Reynolds resigned as Governor of Illinois to become a Representative to the US Congress. William Lee Ewing took his place as governor for about three weeks until newly elected Joseph Duncan became the sixth governor of Illinois, and the first, and only, Whig to that office.
William grew up as the oldest of six children. His five siblings included:
Name | Born |
Sarah | 1836 |
Mary | 1839 |
Francis/Franklin | 1840 |
Emily | 1845 |
Rachel | 1849 |
All were born in St. Clair County.
The 1840 Census indicates the Samuel Scott family of St Clair, Illinois consists of himself, apparently his wife and three children including William. The other two are presumed to be Sarah and Mary.
The 1850 Census indicates the Samuel K Scott family of Turkey Hill, St. Clair, Illinois consists of Samuel, apparently his wife and six children. The 16-year-old William is farming, and four of his younger siblings (Sarah, Mary, Francis, and Emily) are attending school.
Marriage to Emily Hendricks.
Sometime between 1850 and 1860 (probably between 1850 and 1856), William located to Washington County, Illinois.
There, in 1856, when he was about 22 years old, William married Emily Maples Hendricks.
They had four children together.
Name | Born | Location |
Viola | 1860 | Washington Co. |
Samuel Vaden | 1863 | Washington Co. |
Francis Perry | 1870 | St. Clair Co. |
William Alonzo | 1871 | St. Clair Co. |
The 1860 Census indicates they lived in Township 3S, Range 4W. Today that township is now known as Elkton Township. The towns of Elkton and Oakdale (Ayers Point Post Office) lie within it. Both are about 5 miles southwest of Nashville, Illinois. The family consisted of William, Emily, and their oldest child, Viola. William was a farmer.
I have not found evidence, yet, regarding William and the Civil War. I would expect a 27-year-old of the time to have served. There are hundreds of “William Scott’s” who served in Illinois and determining if this William Scott served is a future project for me.
The 1870 Census showed the family back in St. Clair County and enumerated in Freeburg. The family consists of William, Emily, and three of the children, Viola, Sam, and 3-month-old Francis. William is working as a “Wagon Maker.” Viola and Sam are attending school.
On 27 October 1878 Emily died. What happened to William after that is mostly unknown. Samuel married Amanda Jane Haley in May 1879. Viola married Charles Monroe Kansas Galloway two months later, in July 1879. I have been unsuccessful finding William in the 1880 Census. It appears that the other children may have been scattered as I’ve been unable to find them either.
Marriage to Matilda T (Cooper) Elkins
Several researchers indicate that William Hunt Scott married Matilda T. Elkins (nee Cooper) on Dec 16, 1885, in Franklin County, IL. That seems likely, but I haven’t found compelling evidence that the William Scott that married Matilda was this William Scott.
I’ve been unable to find William or Matilda in the 1900 Census.
Death & Burial
Finally, some researchers indicate that William H Scott died 13 May 1903 in Farmington, St. Francois County, Missouri. Again, I’ve been unable to verify that this William H Scott is my William Hunt Scott. There is a William Scott buried at the Glenda Cemetery, buried at Glenda Cemetery in Farmington. If you have evidence indicating this William Scott is the same one as above, I would love to hear from you.
Further Actions / Follow-up
- Do a Family Study looking for William’s children post 1878.
- Do a Family Study looking at William’s siblings.
————– Disclaimer  ————–
William Hunt Scott is person LYQC-SF4 on FamilySearch.
- “United States Census, 1840,” database with images, FamilySearch (Â5WZ : 15 August 2017), Samuel Scott, St Clair, Illinois, United States; citing p. 280, NARA microfilm publication M704, (Washington D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, n.d.), roll 70; FHL microfilm 7,644.
- “United States Census, 1850,” Census Place: Turkey Hill, St Clair, Illinois; Roll: M432_126; Page: 359A; Image: 360
- “United States Census, 1860,” Census Place: Township 3 S Range 4 W, Washington, Illinois; Roll: M653_235; Page: 942; Family History Library Film: 803235
- “United States Census, 1870,”
(Â2W2 : 17 October 2014), Sam Scott in household of Willin Scott, Illinois, United States; citing p. 18, family 122, NARA microfilm publication M593 (Washington D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, n.d.); FHL microfilm 545,778.
- Chris H. Baily, The Jehu Scott Family (Eustis, FL, Chris H. Baily), Files (Personal), Person 10 – William Hunt Scott. Bailey, Chris, “The Jehu Scott Family” dated 7/16/16.
- Find A Grave, database and images ( : accessed 27 January 2019), memorial page for William H. Scott (unknown–13 May 1903), Find A Grave Memorial no. 13568645, citing Glenda Cemetery, Farmington, St. Francois County, Missouri, USA; Maintained by Clara & Terry L. Luster, Sr. (contributor 46485785) .
- “Illinois, County Marriages, 1810-1940,” database, FamilySearch ( : 3 March 2016), Samuel V. Scott and Amanda J. Haley, 24 May 1879; citing Franklin, Illinois, United States, county offices, Illinois; FHL microfilm 1,005,307.
- “Illinois, County Marriages, 1810-1940,” database, FamilySearch ( : 5 November 2017), Patience Marshall in an entry for Francis P. Scott and Florence E. Roberts, 24 Mar 1901; citing Franklin, Illinois, United States, county offices, Illinois; FHL microfilm 1,005,307.
[1] I have not independantly confirmed the ancestors of Samuel Kinkade. I am, however, confident that Samuel was William Hunt Scott’s father.
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