Category Archives: Darling

Ancestor Sketch – John Huber – Take 2

Ancestor Sketch of John Huber. He was born in Windlach, Switzerland in 1880, married Bertha Barbara Trümpi in 1905 in New Glarus, Wisconsin, had two children, and died in 1948 in James Township, Saginaw County, Wisconsin. Continue reading

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Hefti – Surname Saturday

Darling-Huber-Trümpi-Dürst-Hefti LineDarling-Huber-Trümpi-Dürst-Streiff-Hefti LineDarling-Huber-Trümpi-Becker-Wichser-Zweifel-Hefti LineBy Don Taylor Name Origin[i] Family Search indicates that Hefti is a Swiss German surname from Middle High German heftec or heftic, meaning ‘strong, durable.’ “Hefty” is an Americanized form of Hefti. Geographical In the world, Forebears … Continue reading

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Rufus Harry Darling in the Censuses

Genealogist Don Taylor revisits the life of Rufus Harry Darling, born 1857, raised by his mother after his father’s early death. He details Rufus’ residencies from 1860-1910 across U.S. censuses, noting discrepancies in reported marital status and ages. Taylor outlines steps to validate Rufus’ life events, including verifying the death of Rufus’ first wife and confirming secondary sources. He aims to provide a robust, accurately sourced genealogical profile, reconciling census data with family lore and historical records. Continue reading

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Dürst/Durst – Surname Saturday

Darling-Huber-Trümpi-Dürst LineBy Don Taylor Name Origin[i] Family Search and Ancestry indicate Dürst is a nickname from Middle High German turst ‘boldness’ or durst ‘thirst and that Durst is just a variation of the name. Geographical In World: Forebears indicates that … Continue reading

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James Walter & Ohio’s Revolutionary War Roster.

Part 3 of 3 – of my Margaret Ann Swann – Do Over. Darling Research Darling-Swayze-Walter Line By Don Taylor (Part 1 is here.) (Part 2 is here.) The third source I want to examine is The Official Roster of the Soldiers … Continue reading

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