Category Archives: Ancestor Sketch

Research into the four family Lines, Roberts, Brown, Howell, and Darling.

Josiah Fugate – First Cousin[i] of the Blues.

Pocahontas ProjectBrown-Mannin(g)-Fugate LineBy Don Taylor Last year, I learned that I may have Pocahontas as an Ancestor. I was comfortable that Rachel Fugate was my 4th great-grandmother. I needed to confirm the line from her to my possible 12th great-grandmother, … Continue reading

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Ancestor Sketch – John Huber – Take 2

Ancestor Sketch of John Huber. He was born in Windlach, Switzerland in 1880, married Bertha Barbara Trümpi in 1905 in New Glarus, Wisconsin, had two children, and died in 1948 in James Township, Saginaw County, Wisconsin. Continue reading

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Death of Bert Allen Roberts

The Elwood Call-Leader, dated 2 May 1949, chronicled the horrific death of my paternal grandfather, Bert Allen Roberts. Continue reading

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Timothy Daly (1867-1923)

Timothy Daly, born in 1867 in County Cork, Ireland, arrived in Boston in 1882 at the young age of 15. This emigration was part of a larger wave following the Great Famine (1845-1851) and the Land War, which created harsh economic conditions in Ireland. Like many others, Timothy sought opportunity in the United States. He eventually settled in Biddeford, Maine, where he would live the rest of his life. Continue reading

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Hefti – Surname Saturday

Darling-Huber-Trümpi-Dürst-Hefti LineDarling-Huber-Trümpi-Dürst-Streiff-Hefti LineDarling-Huber-Trümpi-Becker-Wichser-Zweifel-Hefti LineBy Don Taylor Name Origin[i] Family Search indicates that Hefti is a Swiss German surname from Middle High German heftec or heftic, meaning ‘strong, durable.’ “Hefty” is an Americanized form of Hefti. Geographical In the world, Forebears … Continue reading

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