Tag Archives: Germany

Hefti – Surname Saturday

Darling-Huber-Trümpi-Dürst-Hefti LineDarling-Huber-Trümpi-Dürst-Streiff-Hefti LineDarling-Huber-Trümpi-Becker-Wichser-Zweifel-Hefti LineBy Don Taylor Name Origin[i] Family Search indicates that Hefti is a Swiss German surname from Middle High German heftec or heftic, meaning ‘strong, durable.’ “Hefty” is an Americanized form of Hefti. Geographical In the world, Forebears … Continue reading

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Ancestor Bio – Oscar Hopfe

Hopfe Project By Don Taylor One of my favorite documents to find is a Naturalization Record.  I was recently researching Oscar Hopfe. Oscar was born in Germany on 12 April 1896 and came to the United States, arriving on 2 … Continue reading

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Ancestor Sketch – Henriette Wilhelmina Futterer

Hopfe-Futterer 52 Ancestors – Week 2018-29 By Don Taylor I have come to expect considerable flexibility in the names of individuals. They are reliant upon the hearing of clerks, the penmanship of those clerks, and the interpretation of various records … Continue reading

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Biography – Karl Bauer (1885-1968)

By Don Taylor Sometimes it is necessary to take two steps back to answer questions. Although quite a lot was known about Karl Bauer, almost nothing was known about his siblings. Family oral history indicated he had a dozen or … Continue reading

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