Hefti – Surname Saturday

Darling-Huber-Trümpi-Dürst-Hefti Line
Darling-Huber-Trümpi-Dürst-Streiff-Hefti Line
Darling-Huber-Trümpi-Becker-Wichser-Zweifel-Hefti Line
By Don Taylor

Name Origin[i]

Family Search indicates that Hefti is a Swiss German surname from Middle High German heftec or heftic, meaning ‘strong, durable.’

“Hefty” is an Americanized form of Hefti.


In the world, Forebears reports there are about 3,813 individuals with the Hefti surname. It is most prevalent in Switzerland, where over 70% of the people with the surname live.

In the US, Forebears indicates that most Hefti’s live in California (49), and the highest frequency is in Nebraska, where one in 8,759 people have the surname.

Direct Hefti Ancestors (7 from 1636 to 1775).

  • 1st Great-grandparent: 15,  Bertha Barbara Trümpi Huber (1884-1968)
  • 2nd Great-grandfather: 30.  Bernhead Trumpi (1844-1913)
  • 3rd Great-grandfather: 60.  Bernhart Trumpi (1817-1879)
  • 4th Great-Grandather: 120. Bernhard Trumpi (1776-1848)*
  • 4th Great-grandmother: 121. Anna Maria Dürst (1770-1858)
  • 5th Great-Grandmother: 241. Anna Magdalena Becker (1745-1801)
  • 5th Great-grandfather: 242. Joachim Dürst (1727-1785)
  • 5th Great-Grandmother: 243. Rosina Streiff (1743-1805)
  • 6th Great-Grandmother: 483. Anna Wichser (1702-1768)
  • 6th Great-grandmother: 485. Elsbeth Hefti (1702-1775)
  • 6th Great-Grandmother: 487. Magdalena Hefti (1707-___)
  • 7th Great-Grandmother: 967. Anna Zweifel (1692-1753)
  • 7th Great-grandfather: 970.  Fridolin Hefti (1664-1724)
  • 7th Great-grandfather: 974. Andras Hefti (1670-1714)
  • 8th Great-Grandmother: 1934. Ann Hefti (1648-1639)
  • 8th Great-grandfather: 1940. Franz Hefti (1639-1700)
  • 8th Great-Grandfather: 1948. Mathias Hefti (1636-1686)

* I have not personally researched this ancestor or the following ancestors. Instead, I am relying on the research of others to suggest these individuals and their relationships tentatively.

Locations of my Hefti Ancestors

Mathias Hefti (1636-1686) is my earliest known Hefti ancestor. He was born in Adlenbach, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany, and died there. His son, Andreas, was born in Germany but died in Glarus Canton, Switzerland. All the other Hefti ancestors lived in Glarus. None of my known Hefti ancestors ever came to the United States, although several Hefti families settled in New Glarus, Green County, Wisconsin, where my Trümpi/Trümpy also settled.[ii]

My Direct Hefti Descendants

With three Hefti 8th Great-grandparents, I expected many descendants and know of 196 descendants of Ann, Franz, and Mathias Hefti in my tree: 43 Trumpi/Trümpim, 14 Dürst, and 14 Hefti.

I have previously written about 4 of them.

Ancestor Photographs

Photo of Florence Wilma (Huber) Darling.
Florence Wilma (Huber) Darling
Bertha Barbara (Trumpi) Huber



[i] Common surname origins include:

  • Occupations (such as “Farmer”
  • Physical characteristics (such as “Short”)
  • Places or landmarks (such as “Hill”)
  • Patronymics, derived from father’s name (such as Johnson from ”son of John”).

[ii] New Glarus Public Library – Family History Notes – Winter 2010.  www.newglaruspubliclibrary.org/files/2010%20Winter%20Newsletter.pdf

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