Category Archives: In the news

Newspaper articles about individuals I am tracking “In the News.”

Donna Darling at Poli’s Theatre, Springfield, MA, 3-5 July 1927.

Donna in the News97 Years Agoby Don Taylor “Donna in the News” reports newly found newspaper articles and advertisements regarding my grandmother, Madonna Montran (aka Donna Montran and Donna Darling). I am always excited when I see a new venue … Continue reading

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Photo Friday – Six girls with their bikes, one man, & three women.

Linwood Dyer Collection – Part 019By Don Taylor This week, for Photo Friday, I identified the ten people in five photos from the Linwood Dyer Collection. This collection includes hundreds of photos, documents, and genealogies of people who lived in … Continue reading

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Donna at Temple Theatre, Bryan, Ohio, 18-19 June 1925.

99 years ago, my grandmother, “Donna Darling,” was in the news for being at the Temple Theatre in Bryan, Ohio. Continue reading

Posted in 99 Years Ago, Bathing Beauty Revue, In the news, Vaudeville | Tagged , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Donna & Hippodrome In the News

Donna Darling & Co. performed at the Sacramento Hippodrome from June 4-7, 1924, as discovered through 1924 newspaper ads. The author, Donna’s grandchild, used these findings to add to the documentation of her vaudeville career, specifically a show titled “Romance.” Continue reading

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Donna & State Theatre (Oakland, CA) – In the News

Don Taylor celebrates finding a 1924 Oakland Post Enquirer article about his grandmother, vaudeville performer Donna Darling. The piece confirms Donna’s act, “A Song and Dance Romance,” featured at Oakland, CA’s State Theatre from June 1-3, 1924. This discovery adds to the documentation of her performing arts career in the 1910s and 1920s. Continue reading

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