In the News
Howell, Vincent (Vinson)
By Don Taylor
“In the News” is my reporting of newly discovered newspaper articles regarding the ancestors I am researching. The information found in newspapers often raises more questions and more research areas, but invariably suggests new avenues for research plus providing texture to the life of an ancestor.
Hiram Vincent Appointed Guardian
Hiram Vincent is my wife’s 3rd great-uncle. He is the son Berkett Vincent (c. 1776 – c. 1845) and the brother of  John Vincent (1817-bef. 1870), my wife’s 2nd great-grandfather. This set of four articles show Hiram being appointed and maintaining his guardianship for two of his sons.
From the Bolivar Bulletin (Bolivar, TN) dated Friday, 6 March 1874.
“Synopsis County Court, March Term | 1874.”
Guardians Appointed.
Hiram Vinson Guardian of his children.
It seems strange to me that Hiram would be granted guardianship of HIS children. I wonder if it was a legal thing or if there is more to the story. Certainly, the County Court Records should talk about what may have occurred.
Two years later, the following ran in:
The Bolivar Bulletin (Bolivar, TN) dated Thursday, 13 April 1876.
Guardians Appointed.
Hiram Vinson for J H and T A Vinson.
“J H Vinson” and “T A Vinson” must be Hiram’s two sons, Joseph Hiram Vincent and Thomas Anthony Vincent. In 1876, Joseph, the older of the two, would have been 15 years old and Thomas, 13. Yes, they are minor children, but I would not expect that a formal guardianship by their father would be required. There must be something else causing this. Court records should tell the story.
Two years after that, the following ran in:
The Bolivar Bulletin (Bolivar, TN) dated Thursday, 11 April 1878.
County Court
Synopsis of Proceedings April Term 1878
Hiram Vinson renewed his bond as guardian of his children.
Finally, two years later the following ran:
The Bolivar Bulletin (Bolivar, TN) dated Thursday, 15 April 1880.
Venire July Circuit Court
Hiram Vincent renewed bond as guardian J H and T A Vincent.
Once again, the articles highlight that the surname Vinson and Vincent are used interchangeably. As a note, I use Vincent when speaking of the family line and use Vincent when talking about an individual. I use Vinson when a particular document uses the name. In 1880, the two boys would have been 19 and 17 respectively.
Determine why Hiram needed to be granted guardianship of his children in 1874. (Get copies of the court documents.)
All “In the New” entries used in this posting came from Newspapers.Com, their Tennessee Newspapers collection.
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