Amanuensis Monday – Howell Research – 3 April 1794
Transcription & Interpretation by Don Taylor
[Source: Martin County Old Deed Records. Book C, Pages 248 and 249.]
This Indenture made this the 3rd day of April in the year of our lord
Christ One Thousand Seven Hundred Ninety Four between Robert
Bryan of Martin county and Province of North Carolina of the one
part and Lewis Bryan of the County and province aforesaid of the other
part ??? ??? that the said Robert Bryan for and in Consideration
of the sum of one hundred pounds give to him in land ??? ??? to
[page change]
in him off?? do our knowledge therein of these with fully satisfied and paid and ??
in faith granted buy and sold and by these presents doth grant bargain
see unto the said Lewis Bryan his heirs and assigns forever a tract of land
Containing one hundred ninety acres lying and being in the county of Martin
On the south side of Conoho Creek Beginning at a point in Hampton ?? ???
Tence No 59 N E 180 Pole asine Thence no 35 W S45 pole to asire on the ???
Thence along the ?? Creek to 59 E b 180 pole to an path thence to 35 EB 145 pole
Bryan ?? by deed of sale proved and registered in the registrar’s office of
??? county together with all houses buildings & privileges ??? residences
to the same belonging or in anywise appertaining unto the said Lewis Bryan
his heirs and assigns forever. In witness ?? of I Robert Bryan hise???
In the presence of ??? Witness.
John Hyman Durat
Catron Bryan (Her Mark) [Plain “X”]
Robert R Bryan (His Mark)
Residences: Robert Bryan and Lewis Bryan were alive on 3 Apr 1894 and both lived in Martin County, North Carolina
Event: Property Sale – Robert Bryan sold 190 acres in Martin County for 100 pounds to Lewis Brian. I am unable to decipher the physical location of the property other than it appears to be adjoining Conoho Creek.
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