Tag Archives: Revolutionary War
Searching for the Blanchard arrival in Maine.
[Sometimes you just have to skip a generation in your research to find the answer to the question. If you do so, it is important to have a clear reason and a clear explanation of how any why you skipped … Continue reading
Veterans Day 2015
Today I remember my ancestors that served in the military. I know of 64 relatives who served in the military, ten of whom are my direct ancestors. Â Six of those 10 served in the Revolutionary War and two served in … Continue reading
William Price (1762-1846)
52 Ancestors #6 — William Price (1762-1846) Logo of the Daughters of the American Revolution Thanks to the wonderful records on the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) website, I knew that my wife’s 4th great-grandfather, William Price was a descendant … Continue reading
Veterans Day – 11/11/2013 – Howells & Darlings
Veterans Day – 11/11/2013 – The Howells & Darlings General Frank Alton Armstrong Official USAF Photo The Howell/Hobbs line has had many in the military. Certainly, the most famous of them is Greybeard’s 1st cousin, Frank Alton Armstrong. During World War … Continue reading