Tag Archives: Brown
One resource you probably aren’t using enough.
My Tappen, ND Connection By Don Taylor There is one resource I know that I don’t use enough, WorldCat. Every time I do use it I am amazed at the wonderful information I can find out about my ancestors. WorldCat … Continue reading
W. Henry Brown (1843-c.1895)
BM-24 – W. Henry Brown (1843-c.1895) Name and birthdate correction, I don’t typically use other people trees for facts or relationships. Rather, I like to use other trees as a sort of reality check. If I see that other researchers … Continue reading
Is it enough? (To not use the names of living individuals)
Is it enough? (To not use the names of living individuals) The stepson of a grand uncle of mine recently contacted me. I had written about his mother and stepfather a few years ago and he found my blog posting … Continue reading
Might they be cousins?
Many years ago I was hanging around in the Navy barracks at Treasure Island and was chatting with another sailor. I mentioned I was from Minnesota and he said he had many relatives in northern Minnesota. I said, “Where ‘bouts.” … Continue reading
Descendants of the Founders of Ancient Windsor (DFAW)
Application Submitted – DFAW I’ve been doing genealogy for quite a number of years. And I think I’ve done well. However, in some respects the “proof of the pudding” is acceptance into a lineage society. Also, one of the biggest … Continue reading