Abstract & Will of Abner Darling (1780-1839)

Abstract & Will of Abner Darling (1780-1839)

Amanuensis Monday

Great-great grandfather Rufus Holton Darling’s father’s name was Abner and his mother’s name was Sally. Although I am not totally convinced, I am fairly certain that this “Record of Will” refers to Rufus’s father Abner. It also helps explain why Rufus would have left New York for Michigan in 1840. At Abner’s death, Rufus would have been 24 years old. 


Abstract of Will (Abstracted by Don Taylor)

Information that I found.
8 January 1839 – Abner Darling of Clarkson, Monroe County, New York was alive to sign his last will and testament.
He made his wife, Sally Ann Darling the Executrix of his will.
He gave everything to his wife, Sally Ann Darling.
He wants his debts paid.
He has pending litigation against Nathan Mott & Ansel Frost.
His wife should take care of his minor children including educating them. 

Jan-April 1839 – Abner Darling died.

1 May 1839 – Abner’s will was probated.


Transcript of Will

Transcribed by Don Taylor

Source: Ancestry.Com – New York Wills and Probate Records, 1659-1999 – Monroe – Wills, Vol 002, 1835-1841, Pages 329-331 (362-364 of 513)

Record of Will

Know all whom it may concern that that I Abner Darling of Clarkson in the County of Monroe Do make ordain and constitute this my last will & testament –

First I make & Constitute my beloved wife Sally Ann Darling sole executrix of this my will. Second. I give & bequeath to my said wife all my goods and chattels land & tenements & all my estate both nal [real] & personal of which I may die seized or possesed or whether in fasision or in action to have & to hold the same to her own use – forever, Third, It is my will that all my just debts be paid & in as much as the ability of my said executrix to pay the same will depend on the determination of a suit now defending in the Court of Chancery against Nathan Mott & Ansel Frost it is my will & desire that said suit be prosecuted with all diligence to a determination & that my said executrix shall perform whatever shall be nessary & proper to perform whatever deorse may be made therein trusting in consequents of the Justice of the cause that she will thereby nalise the means of paying my debts, And it is my request & desire that my said executrix will in her discretion & according to her means maintain and educate such of my children as are minors they aiding and assisting therein & that at or before her decease she will if need be make such bequest or other arrangement that what may remain of my property after her decrease may be equally divided among all my children. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand & seal this eighth day of January 1839.

Abner Darling (S)

Signed sealed published and delivered by the said Abner Darling to be his last will & testament in the presence of us & who in his presence have subscribed our names as witnesses all residing in Clarkson. 

Sellach Boughton
William Blake
Joseph Lovejoy
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