Tag Archives: Kentucky

Ancestor Sketch – Reuben Fugate

This is a brief Ancestor Sketch of my 5th great-grandfather, Reuben Fugate. Continue reading

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Reuben Fugate & the 1810 and 1820 Censuses

I took a found Reuben Fugate and his household in the 1810 and 1820 Census. Continue reading

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Manning – Surname Saturday

Brown/Manning LineBy Don Taylor Name Origin[i] Family Search indicates that Mannin can be an Irish variant of Mannion and is found in Finland, the United States, and England. Manning can be an English variation of Ó Mainnin or is a … Continue reading

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Reuben Fugate’s marriage to Katherine Smallwood

After learning that Pocahontas might be my 12th great-grandmother, I feel pursuing that part of my Brown ancestry should be a top priority. Further review of my tree and the proposed tree does have a potential error in either my … Continue reading

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Manning Deep Dive – Part  3

The Mannin/Manning Families in Carter County, Kentucky – 1870 Census  One Name-One Place Study Mannin(g)-Carter County, KY Brown-Mannin(g) Line Census Sunday By Don Taylor In Part 1 of this “ Manning Deep Dive” into my great-grandmother’s ancestors, I created a … Continue reading

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