Category Archives: Vaudeville
Donna & Sammy in National Vaudeville Artists – 1927 Yearbook
A full-page feature of my grandmother, Donna (Montran) Darling, and her partner Sammy in the 1927 National Vaudeville Artists Yearbook. Their images are clear and their quote highlights their commitment to the N.V.A. Continue reading
Donna & Rivoli Theatre in the News
Don Taylor celebrates discovering articles on his grandmother, Madonna Montran, known as Donna Darling, and her 1920s show business career. On December 7, 1924, Darling’s vaudeville act, including toe dancing, singing, and a larger orchestra, was featured at Rivoli Theatre, Two Rivers, WI, alongside a Warner Bros. film. Continue reading
Donna in Glens Falls, NY, at the Empire Theatre – June 5-7, 1922
Vaudeville Donna Darling & Co. Empire Theatre, Glens Falls, NY By Don Taylor Donna Darling & Company had finished a series of shows at several F.F. Proctor’s theatres in New York City (23rd Street, 125th Street, & 58 Street) before … Continue reading
The California Bathing Beauties at the Pastime Theatre, Union Hill, NJ, Nov 15-17, 1920.
Donna in the News104 Years Agoby Don Taylor “Donna in the News” reports newly found newspaper articles and advertisements regarding my grandmother, Madonna Montran (aka Donna Montran and Donna Darling). I am always excited when I discover a new venue … Continue reading
Donna Darling Review – Rivoli Theater, Portland, OR – Nov 6-11, 1926.
Donna in the News99 Years Agoby Don Taylor Last May, in “Two clippings and three photos,” I reviewed a clipping from my grandmother’s scrapbook showing she played at a Rivoli theatre, probably in either Grant’s Pass or Portland, Oregon. I … Continue reading