Category Archives: Vaudeville
Donna at the Indiana Theatre, Marion, IN, Mar 1-4, 1925.
Donna in the News100 Years Agoby Don Taylor “Donna in the News” reports newly found newspaper articles and advertisements regarding my grandmother, Madonna Montran (aka Donna Montran and Donna Darling). I am always excited when I see a new venue … Continue reading
Beckwith Theatre, Dowagiac, MI, 19 Feb 1920.
In the News, 105 Years AgoVaudeville/Chin-ChinCassopolis Vigilant (Cassopolis, MI)By Don Taylor My grandmother was a vaudeville star. I am following her career and learning about her many performances. In October 1919, she joined the cast of the Charles Dillingham production … Continue reading
Donna & Crescent Theatre in the News
Donna Darling performed with the “California Bathing Beauties” at Crescent Theatre in Pontiac, MI on February 13 & 14, 1925, as uncovered in a Pontiac Daily 1925 clipping by her grandson. This new find adds to Madonna Montran’s documented vaudeville career. Continue reading
Donna Darling at Temple Theatre, Grand Rapids, MI – Feb 1-4, 1923.
Donna in the News102 Years Agoby Don Taylor “Donna in the News” reports newly found newspaper articles and advertisements regarding my grandmother, Madonna Montran (aka Donna Montran and Donna Darling). I am always excited when I discover a new venue … Continue reading
Donna 100 Years ago – Alhambra, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
“Donna Montran, vaudeville star, headlined ‘Bathing Beauty Revue’ in Madison and Milwaukee, WI, in January 1925, sharing the stage with Murray Earle and films like ‘A Man Must Live.'” Continue reading