Photo Friday – Four Portland Groups & One Gorham Group

Linwood Dyer Collection – Part 052
Girls Basketball Teams, Portland, ME 1922, 23, 24 & Gorham Normal 1931
By Don Taylor

I thought I would look at some group photos this week for Photo Friday. In particular, I’ll start with some girls’ basketball team photos from the Linwood D. Dyer Photo Collection.

Portland High Girls Basketball Team – 1923

Photo of the Portland High School Girls Basketball Team - 1923 State Champions.
Portland High School Girls Basketball Team – 1923 State Champions.

Luckily, there were two images of the photograph. One was in good condition, and the second photo was in rough condition but included the team’s players’ names. The team photo is labeled with the following names:

  • Back Row: Frieda Schonland, Terese McCormack, Louise Mitchel, Carolyn Kincaid, Mary Kelly, Billy O’Connell
  • Middle Row: Katherine Neavling, Mgr. Alice Sturdivant, Unnamed, Helen Howarth, Esther Knudsen
  • Front Row: Marion Mingo, Charlotte Williams, Priscilla Ferguson, Anna Safford, Jessie Reynolds

I uploaded this photo to the Digital Maine Archive.[i] The image with the names is also at the Digital Maine Archive and is available for download.

Portland High Girls Basketball Team – 1924

I love it when it is easy to identify the individuals in a team photo. In this case, the basketball informs us that it was Portland High School in 1924. The team photo is labeled with the following names:

Photo of the 1924 Portland High School Girls Basketball Team.
1924 Portland High School Girls Basketball Team.

Back Row: Jessie Reynolds, Charlotte Williams, Irene Libby, Dot Rowe, Elizabeth Hewey

Front Row: Olivia Brownig, Helen Howarth, Mildred Seavey, Margaret Lee

I uploaded this photo to the Digital Maine Archive.[ii]

Maine State College – Girls Basketball Team – 1928.

Photo of the 1928 Maine State College basketball team.
1928 Maine State College basketball team.

At first, I was a bit confused by this photo. I didn’t know the logo on the ball; who was “S C?” It took a bit of research to figure out that the “S C” is beneath a stylized “M.” “M S C” stood for Maine State College. The Maine State College of Agriculture and Mechanical Arts was founded in 1865. It began to admit women in 1872.[iii] Later, it became the University of Maine.

The photo includes the following people:

Back Row: Betty O’Brion – Betty Fryatt – Olive Dow – Helena Jackson – Mgr. ____
Front Row: Dorothy McCracken, Frances (sunny) Erickson – Elizabeth McLaughlin Capt. Betty Somers (with ball)

I uploaded this photo to the Digital Maine Archive.[iv]

Gorham Normal School – Students & Staff – 1931.

An incredible 42” x 8” photo of the students & staff of Gorham Normal School, 1931.[vii]

Photo of the 1931 Gorham Normal School Students & Staff.
1931 Gorham Normal School Students & Staff.

I uploaded this photo to the Digital Maine Archive.[v]

Portland High Girls Basketball Team – 1922

Photo of the 1922 Portland High School Girls basketball team.
1922 Portland High School Girls basketball team.

Sadly, this photo of the Portland High School Girls Basketball team of 1922 has no names for the students. If you can identify any of the girls in the photo or have a list of the girls on the team, I’d love to hear from you. Based on the 1923 Photo, I’m sure the man at the top right is Billy O’Connell. I will hold onto this photo for a while, hoping someone can help me identify the people in it.[vi]


[i] I anticipate sending the original to either the Portland High School or the Maine Historical Society.
[ii] I anticipate sending the original to either the University of Maine or the Maine Historical Society.
[iii]  Maine History Online (A Maine Historical Society Website) “Taking Care & Educating” Page 5 of 5.
[iv] I anticipate sending the original to either the Portland High School or the Maine Historical Society.
[v] I anticipate sending the original to either the Portland High School or the Maine Historical Society.
[vi] I will, eventually, send the original to either the Portland High School or the Maine Historical Society.
[vii] This photo was at the Scarborough Historical Society, not part of the Linwood D Dyer Photo Collection.

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