Sawyer, Schofield, Sedgley, & Selberg

Ethel Wight Collection – Part 130
Photo Friday
By Don Taylor

Photo of Don Taylor with cat Nasi.This week, for Photo Friday, I identify the people in five more envelopes from the Ethel Wight Studio Collection[i]. The envelopes typically contain the name of the person who paid for the photos, not necessarily of the individual portrayed in the image. As such, it is vital to analyze the pictures and information to identify the individual therein.[ii] Ultimately, my goal is to reunite the photos with family members who may have never seen the image.

Beatrice Sedgley, Student Nurse, Maine Eye & Ear Infirmary, circa 1934

The envelope this negative was in says, “Beatrice Sedgley, Me Eye & Ear Infirmary #53.”

Photo of Beatrice Sedgley, Student Nurse, Maine Eye & Ear Infirmary, Portland, ME

Beatrice Sedgley, Student Nurse, Maine Eye & Ear Infirmary, Portland, ME

Why I believe this to be the individual.

  • The 1935 Portland City Directory lists Beatrice Sedgley as a student nurse at 79 Bramhall (Maine Eye & Ear Infirmary)
  • The 1940 US Census lists Beatrice Sedley, the 23-year-old daughter of Pearl & Florence Sedley living in Brunswick, Maine. Beatrice is a trained nurse.
  • Later in 1940, Beatrice married Hugo Joseph Sandelin.

I am confident this photo is of Beatrice Arlene Sedgley, born 30 Sep 1916, taken about 1934, when she attended nursing school at the Maine Eye & Ear Infirmary.

Ancestry has 15 public trees that refer to Beatrice Arlene Sedgley. Family Search has profile GZ63-GSP for Beatrice Sedley, daughter of Pearl and Florence (Loon) Sedgley. I have uploaded a photo of Beatrice to her Family Search Memories.

Confirmed to be Beatrice by a grandchild.

Ernestine Selberg, circa 1935.

This negative envelope says, “Mrs. E. S. Selberg, 66 Devon St # 752.”

Photo of Ernestine Selberg, circa 1935 (age 2)

Ernestine Selberg, circa 1935.

Why I believe this to be the individual.

  • The 1935 Portland City Directory lists Ernest L and Katherine E Selberg living at 66 Devon. Also at that address is Philip G Selberg. Several other Selbergs are living nearby at 62 Devon.
  • The 1940 US Census lists Earnest L and Katherine E Selberg living at 82 Devon Street. With them are two children, six-year-old Ernestine and three-year-old Ernest.
  • The S. Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, Swedish American Church Records, 1800-1947 show Ernestine Marie Selberg, daughter of Ernest Selberg, was born on 18 Dec 1934.
  • If Ernestine had been born in December 1934, she would have been five during the 1940 Census. However, other records indicate she was born in 1933.

I am sure this photo was taken of Ernestine Marie Selberg, born 18 Dec 1933, when she was about two years old.

I have not found Earnestine in any Ancestry public trees. However, her father, Ernest L Selberg, is in 20 public Ancestry trees. Family Search has profile GCPV-8S4 for Ernestine M Selberg. I uploaded a photo of Ernestine to her Family Search Memories.

Gladys E Sawyer (née Pride), circa 1935.

This negative envelope says, “Mrs. Gladys E Sawyer, 20 Pennell Ave #769.”

Photo of Gladys E Sawyer (née Pride), circa 1935.

Gladys E Sawyer (née Pride), circa 1935.

Why I believe this to be the individual.

  • The 1940 US Census Lists Stephen and Gladys Sawyer living at 20 Pennell Ave. With them is their 14-year-old daughter Florence.
  • Ancestry Family Trees suggest this would be Gladys Eola Sawyer (nĂ©e Pride), born on 4 July 1897.

The woman in this photo appears to be in her mid-30s, suggesting it is Gladys. As such, I believe this photo to be of Gladys Eola Sawyer (née Pride) taken about 1935.

Ancestry has 23 public trees that refer to Gladys Eola Pride. Family Search has profile M585-G7F  or Gladys. I uploaded a photo of Gladys to her Family Search Memories.

Lawrence Sawyer, Jr., circa 1934.

This negative envelope says, “Mrs. Lawrence Sawyer, 74 Woodmont Ave #155.”

Photo of Lawrence Sawyer, Jr., circa 1934 (age 1)

Lawrence Sawyer, Jr., circa 1934.

Why I believe this to be the individual.

  • The 1935 Portland City Directory lists Lawrence W and Alice E Lawrence living at 74 Woodmont.
  • The 1940 US Census lists Lawrence and Alice Sawyer living at 106 Parsons Rd. Living with them is their seven-year-old son, Lawrence, Jr.
  • The S. Social Security Applications and Claims Index, 1936-2007, indicates that Lawrence White Sawyer, Jr. was born on 19 Dec 1932, to Lawrence W and Alice (Crosby) Sawyer in Portland, Maine.

I am confident this photo is of Lawrence taken in 1934 when he was about a year old.

Ancestry has five public trees that refer to Lawrence White Sawyer (1932-2007). Family Search does not appear to have a profile for Lawrence Junior, but his parents are listed. I uploaded a photo of Lawrence, Jr., to Dead Fred.

Virginia Schofield, circa 1936. 

This negative envelope says, “Mrs. Margaret Scofield, 59 Maine Ave, #1047.”

Photo of Virginia Schofield, circa 1936 (age 8)

Virginia Schofield, circa 1936.

Why I believe this to be the individual.

  • The 1940 US Census lists Louis and Margaret E Schofield living at 59 Maine Ave, Portland, Maine. Two daughters, Margaret A (age 20) and Virginia E (age 12), live with them.

Based on the Photo Number (#1047), this photo was taken in 1936. Margaret would be about 16, and Virginia about eight. This photo appears to be of a young girl eight to 10 years old; as such, I believe this to be Virginia.

Ancestry has five public trees that refer to Virginia E Schofield (1927-1999). Family Search does not appear to have a profile for Virginia, so I uploaded a photo of Virginia to Dead Fred.

One Researcher indicates this is not Virginia E “Betty” Schofield. I will revisit this identification in the future.


  • I identified all five Three have Family Search profiles, so I uploaded their images to their Family Search Memories. Two did not have Family Search profiles, so I uploaded their photos to Dead Fred.

I will love to hear your reaction if any of these photos are of your family member. Especially if this photo is of a loved one for whom you hadn’t seen this photograph before.

Due to software limitations, the images uploaded to Family Search, Dead Fred, and Flickr have higher quality than those linked here.

For all postings of the Ethel Wight Collection, please see here.


[i] The Wight Studio was in Portland, Maine. Many thanks to Ethel Wight’s family for access to and permission to use the collection of their great aunt.

[ii] These images were converted to positives using a lightbox, a Nikon camera and computer software.

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One Response to Sawyer, Schofield, Sedgley, & Selberg

  1. Stephanie Roberts LeBlanc says:

    Gladys Eola (Pride) Sawyer is indeed my grandmother. Thanks for such a beautiful picture of her, and much to my amazement, she and her Great-great granddaughter look very much alike.

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