Matson Project – Update October 2022.
Census Sunday
By Don Taylor
As part of my regular updates and “Do Over” process, I thought I’d take a quick look at the Matson clan in the 1950 Census. I found my stepfather (Edgar/Budgar), his parents, and his siblings in the 1950 Census.
Edgar Jerome Matson (1925-2003)
From the 1950 Census – Minnesota, Hennepin County, Minneapolis, ED 89-356, Sheet 10, Lines 28-30, I learned that Edgar J. Matson, his wife Frieda, and their daughter, Heidi, were living at 2024 Girard Ave No. He was working 45 hours per week as an Automobile Assembler. His German wife Frieda had received her First Papers automatically through her marriage. Heidi had been born the previous March [March 20th]. That address is the same as his parents, siblings, Elizabeth and Kenneth, and niece, Christine.
Matson, Edgar J Head 24Â Â Â Minn Works as an Automobile Assembler, 45 hr/yr.
—, Frieda        Wife 25   Germany
—, Heidi N       Dau. Mar Minn
Notes: Frieda Matson received her first papers automatically through her marriage. I am informed.
Additional Info for #30 (Heidi) (1 year ago – “Not Born Yet.)
Edward W Matson (1925-2003)
2923 Girard Ave,
Matson, Edward W   Head    52       Chipper & Grinder at a Tractor Factory (40 hrs)
—, Hildur C           Wife    52
—, Elizabeth A       Dau.   26     Stenographer – Photography (40 hrs)
—, Kenneth M       Son    23     Mauler operator – Tractors (40 hrs)
—, Christine L        G. dau. 4
All were born in Minnesota.
Elizabeth was born in the US. Education: finished the 11th grade and worked 50 weeks during the last year.
Ardis (Matson) Rohloff
Budgar’s sister, Ardis, married Richard Rohloff in 1941. Ardis and Richard appear in the 1950 Census living in Albion, Minnesota.
“3½ mi on left, south from Corina – Albion line along Swart Watts Lake. First town road n of Albion store.” Â
Lines 17 thru 19 – Farm
Rohloff, Richard         Head  29 Works 70 hours/week farming on (own) farm.
—, Ardis         Wife   27
—, Richard E  Son     7
All were born in Minnesota.
That accounts for Budgar, his parents (Eddie & Hildur), his siblings, Ardis, Elizabeth, and Kenny, and his niece, Chris, during the 1950 Census.
1950 Census, Ardis (Matson) Rohloff, Wife. Albion Center – ED 86-3, Page 16, Line 18.
1950 Census, Edgar J Matson – MN, Hennepin, Minneapolis, ED 89-356. Sheet 10, Lines 28-30.
1950 Census, Edward W Matson – Minneapolis, MN. ED 89-356, Page 10, Line 23.
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