Amanuensis[i] Monday
By Don Taylor
Charles Stockard was the first husband of 4th great aunt Elizabeth Rebekah (Walter) Stockard (later Gurley). His will was made 23 November 1820 and was filed with the court on 8 January 1821. (Which presumes he had already died.) It mentions his wife, Elizabeth, and his two children, Margaret and William. Witnesses are James Planno, David Swazzo, and Elkena Walters. Elkena is Elizabeth’s brother. David Swazzo is likely David Swayze, Elizabeth’s brother-in-law. James Planno is unknown (for now). The two children were also unknown before and are tentatively attributed to Elizabeth.
<<PAGE 70>> (lower half)
— name of God amen I Charles Stockard being wea- — —— –
——sound and perfect mind and memory do make and———-
——– last will add testament in manner and form follow—–
————First I give and bequeath unto my beloved wife Elizabeth
—– kard all my ready money and all the money that is due me
——-different persons living in the State of Virginia which in in Chrise
—–ttles hands for collection and all my goods and Chatties of what kind
and nature soever for her to purchase a comfortable farm and to have
and to held the same until my two Children Margaret and William
Stockard arrives of the age of twenty one years then the land
equally divided between them after my dearly beloved wife Elizabeth Stockards proper dower is set off to her and it is my desire for her to
raise the two Children and give them good schooling and in case
of the decease of my Children then my beloved wife to have the
whole farm whom I appoint my sole Executrix of this my last
will and testament by me made in witness whereof I have hereunto
set my hand and seal this 23rd day of November in the year of our
Lord one thousand and eight hundred and twenty
Charles X Stockard
Signed sealed puolished and declared by the
above named Charles stockard to be his last
will and testament in presence of us who have
hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses
in presence of the Testator.
James Planno, David Swazzo, Elkena Walters
<<PAGE 71>>
Fairfield County Ohio ss at a special Court of Common pleas Holden
at Lancaster in and for the county aforesaid on the 8th day of January 1821 the foregoing last will and Testament of Charles Stockard is preduced and proven by Elkena Waters and David Swazzo two of the Subscribing witnesses and ordered to be recorded and that the letters testementary thereof be a ____ to the Executrix therein named
Atteste Hugh Boyle, Clk. F.C.
[i] John Newmark started the “Amanuensis Monday” category in 2009 on his Blog,  Transylvanian Dutch and many bloggers have followed suit using the tag. Google provides the following meaning for amanuensis: “A literary or artistic assistant, in particular one who takes dictation or copies manuscripts.”
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