What I do.
- I am the Historian and the “genealogy & technology guy” for the Scarborough Historical Society. As the “technology guy,” I manage their web page and regularly post to their website. Before Covid, I also recorded monthly presentations and edited them for uploading to YouTube.
- I am a past president and regularly participate with the Greater Portland Chapter of the Maine Genealogical Society.
- My big project is my “Photo Friday” project using negative images from the Ethel Wight Collection. I was given access to and was able to photograph the negatives. I edit them to make positives, and then, using my genealogical skills, I identify the individuals in the photos and share them with likely family members.
- I think the most touching story was from a man in his 80s, whose photo of him sitting with his mother when he was a small child he had never seen. His stepmother threw away all the pictures of his mother, and the photo from the Collection was one of two photos he has of his mother.
- Another story was of a photo of a man’s father he had never seen. His father died during WWII.
I am so looking forward to eliminating Covid-19 protocols so that all these groups can return to regular meetings. I miss my genealogy friends; Zoom meetings are just not the same.
2020 Website Statistics.
I wrote 146 posts during the year, up from 138 in 2020. My goal was to post, at a minimum, once every three days, so I made my goal.
The number of “likes” has gone up substantially over the past two years, as have the number of comments. (If you like my page and work, please like the page or add a comment. I love hearing from you.)
I currently have 506 direct subscribers, plus the folks that receive updates from Facebook (249), Twitter (201), Google, and other feeds. If you do not subscribe to dontaylorgenealogy.com, please do so.
Referrals to my site are, as I would expect, from various search engines. Google is, by far, the most significant referrer. Bing is a distant 2nd and third was DuckDuckGo. Facebook is the biggest non-search engine referrer, followed by Twitter. My old Blogspot site still referred individuals 15 times, so I guess I still can’t delete it.
My Top Five Postings for 2021
My number one post during 2021 has been #1 for six years in a row. “Why I’ll never do business with MyHeritage Again.” I guess people love reading rants.
My number 2 & 3 articles were My Genealogical Process – Part 1 and Part 2. That article’s success and several of my other “Tuesday’s Tips” convinced me to do more “General Help” postings.
My number 4 most read posting was a surprise. “Chin Chin” – The Illinois Theatre, Urbana, Illinois – 31 October 1919. I’m not sure why it is popular, but it is.
Finally, the 5th place posting goes to “Possible Relatives – Johnny Cash, Jimi Hendrix, Blake Lively.” I’m not surprised by this one; it is a fun read.
Next Year – 2022
I’m not sure where I want my genealogical activities will take me in 2022. Indeed, my Ethel Wight Photo Identification Project will be a constant source of work. I am also doing more with several projects that include Maine ancestors, keeping me busy. Finally, I want to create some “Location Guides” for some of my research areas. I’ll publish them on my General Help pages as I make them.
Have a happy, safe, and healthy new year.
Don (and his cat, Nasi)
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My family is from Champaign/Urbana and I read your blog post with interest. Maybe others who were from there did too? I enjoy your blog posts. Keep writing!