Estate of Ezra Sanford – Guardian Papers (for Lucy Sanford) – 5 July 1813
Transcription Tuesday
By Don Taylor
This week, for “Transcription Tuesday,” I am looking at the “Estate of Ezra Sanford, Mercy Sanford, Admrx || Mercy Sanford Guardian – Bond – $1000.” [1]
This document provides the guardian papers wherein Mercy Sanford received guardianship of Lucy Sanford, her minor daughter and heir of the estate of Ezra Sanford. The document was a printed form with specific information handwritten in. I have identified the handwritten parts with bolding.
KNOW all men by these presents, that Mercy Sanford as principal, and Aticiah Dunham as surety, are bolden and stand firmly bound unto Josiah Wright, Esq. judge of the probate of wills, and granting administrations within and for the district of Bennington in the full sum of one thousand dollars, to be paid unto the said Josiah Wright his successor or successors in the said office, or to his or their assigns; for which payment will and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, and administrators, and every to us, firmly by these presents, sealed with our seals, dated this 5th day of July Anno Domini, 1813.
The condition of the above obligation is such, That if the above bounden Mercy Sanford who is nominated, appointed, and allowed to be guardian unto Lucy Sanford minor and heir to the estate of Ezra Sanford late of Pownal, deceased, shall will and truly perform and discharge the trust and office of guardian unto the said Lucy and that in and by all things according to law: and shall render a plain and true account of her said guardianship upon oath, and all and singular such estate as shall come to her hands and possession, by virtue thereof, and of the profits and improvements of the same, so far as the law will charge bring therewith, when she shall thereto be lawfully required; and shall pay and deliver what and so much of the said estate, as shall be found upon account remaining in her hands, the same being first examined and allowed by the judge or judges of the probate of wills, &C. for said district, for the time then being, until the said minor when she shall arrive at full age, or otherwise, as the said judge or judges, by his or their sentence or decree, pursuant to law shall limit and appoint, then the above obligation to be void and of no effect, otherwise to remain in force and future .
Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of
Benjm Edwards
Marcy Sampson
Obadiah Dunham

Estate of Ezra Sanford – Guardian Papers – 1813 – Via Ancestry.Com.
Facts I learned
From other records, I knew that Lucy was about 14 when her father died. So, her requiring guardianship would be expected.
I found it interesting that the document indicated Mercy as Lucy’s guardian, however, the signature reads as “Marcy” to me. Consequently, I’ve added “Marcy” as an alternative name.
NOTE:  The Cambridge Dictionary defines “transcribe” as to “make a complete written record of spoken or written words.” My transcriptions are seldom perfect but I do my best to convert handwritten documents into typed words for my genealogical purposes.  If you see anything that I have incorrect, please let me know your thoughts via the Contact Form at the bottom of the page.
- Vermont; Wills and Probate Records, 1749-1999, Ancestry.Com, Probate – Ezra Sanford (1753-1813) – Page 03 (00390). Guardianship Papers – Assigning Mercy Sanford as guardian for Lucy Sanford, 5 July 1813.
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