Monthly Archives: October 2013
Donna in Boise, ID at the Pinney Theatre – Dec 4-7, 1919
Donna’s next stop with the company of Chin Chin was in Boise, Idaho on December 4th to the 7th. The Idaho Statesman ran many agent supplied articles and advertising for the show. Articles began in the “What Boise Theatre Managers … Continue reading
It is not all on Ancestry.Com – The Browns in North Dakota
It is not all on Ancestry.Com – The Browns in North Dakota Because of the chasm caused by the missing 1890 census, I had lost track of Henry & Marion (Sanford) Brown (my 2nd great grandparents). Henry and Marion lived … Continue reading
Don’t Forget Books – Sanford & Parsons in Wells county, North Dakota
Don’t Forget Books When researching ancestors, particularly ones that settled a particular location early in that location’s history don’t forget to look for key books regarding the location.  I’ve tried using Google Books first and OCLC’s WorldCat second, but, … Continue reading
Edward McAllister Summary
Edward McAllister Summary The investigation into Ted McAllister’s life has been an interesting process. I started out with very little information, Ted was married, his wife died, later he moved to Savannah where he had “bedded a married woman and … Continue reading
Donna plays at the Lavering Theatre – Twin Falls, Idaho – Dec. 1st, 1919
Donna plays at the Lavering Theatre – Twin Falls, Idaho – Dec. 1st, 1919 I was unable to find any evidence of Chin Chin playing between November 27th (Thanksgiving) and November 30th. On December 1st, Donna and the Chin Chin … Continue reading