Donald Montran Stabs his Wife.

In the News
Montran Monday
By Don Taylor

It is time for another edition of “Montran Monday[i].” When I encounter a new, historical newspaper article about persons with the surname Montran, I try to add information about them to my family tree database to discover something that might lead me to learn about my maternal grandmother’s father.

This week, I found an article in The Portland Guardian, [Portland, Victoria, Australia] dated 7 April 1927[ii]:

News clipping about Donald Montran stabbing his wife, another woman, and a boy.
The Portland Guardian (Portland, Victoria, Australia) · Thu, Apr 7, 1927 · Page 3

“Donald Montran, an Italian, chased his wife into the street and stabbed her in the back. Another woman and her son were also stabbed and have been taken to hospital. The man was arrested.”

I learned: Donald Montran lived in Portland, Australia, in 1927. He was Italian.


[i] Montran Monday – My grandmother’s father was John Montran. She used the surname, as a young child and when she began her career in show business. The name is uncommon and most of the Montrans I see in the newspapers are my grandmother during her early vaudeville career. However, with the constant flow of newly digitized material, I often learn of new articles which contain the Montran surname. I pay attention to the finding and try to determine a possible relationship of any Montrans to Donna’s father, John Montran.

[ii] The Portland Guardian (Portland, Victoria, Australia) · Thu, Apr 7, 1927 · Page 3 –

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