Dahlgren, Daigle, Dallachie Davenport, & Davis
Photo Friday
By Don Taylor
This week for Photo Friday, I identify the people in five more negative envelopes from the Ethel Wight Studio Collection[i]. The names on the envelope are of the individual who paid for the photos, not necessarily of the individual portrayed in the image. As such, I analyze the photo information and use my genealogical skills to positively identify the people in the photographs.[ii]
Eva Mae Dahlgren (1916-2007)
The envelope this negative was in says, “Miss Eva Dahlgren – 24 Arsenal St, Portland
The 1938 Portland City Directory indicates Eva Dahlgren is a student nurse at 22 Arsenal (Maine General Hospital) and resides at the same place.
- The 1939 Portland City Directory indicates Eva Dahlgren is a nurse at 763 Congress and resides at the same place, suggesting that Eva graduated from nurse’s school in 1938.
- The 1930 Census lists an Eva M Dahlgren, age 13, living with her parents Godfrey E. and Grace H. Dahlgren at 193 Hines Street, Washburn, Aroostook County, Maine.
- Social Security records indicate Eva was born on 18 December 1916 to Edwin G. Dahlgren and Grace H Wilson. She married Rodney D. Gurley and died 16 February 2007 as Eva Mae Gurley.
I found Godfrey and Grace on Family Search, but not their daughter Eva, so I created a profile for Eva Mae Dahlgren, born 18 December 1916, died 16 February 2007. It is L7SN-P92. I uploaded one photo of Eva in the collection to that profile. I also found her on Find-a-Grave (Memorial 40160600 and uploaded her photo there too.)
Carmen Daigle (1915-1985)
The envelope this negative was in says, “Miss Carmen Daigle – St. Barnabas Hospital, Portland, #528.”
Carmen D’Aigle appears in the 1935 and 1936 Portland (Maine) City Directories. She was a student nurse at 231 Woodford and resided at 20 Norwood. It seems this to be the correct Carmen Daigle.
- She appears again in the 1937 Portland City Directory as Carmen Daigle. She was still a student nurse at 231 Woodford and resided at 20 Norwood.
- The 1938 Portland City directory has a new person, Rita Daigle, a student nurse at 218 State and residing at 681 Congress Street.
- A review of the 1930 Census found a 15-year-old Carmen J. Dangle, who had a sister, Rita M., who lived in Limestone, Aroostook County, Maine. They were the daughters of Paul and Clara Daigle. I’m confident this is the correct Carmen Dangle.
- Further research shows she was born on 24 February 1915 in Corinna, Penobscot County, Maine. Her mother’s name was Clara Thibodeau. And she died in 1985 and is buried in St. Louis Cemetery in Limestone, Aroostook County, Maine.
- Another Carmen Daigle was born 19 April 1915 in Aroostook County. Sho married Leon Desjardins in 1935 and died in 1972. She should not be confused with Carmen (Daigle) Howard.
I am confident enough that Clara Daigle, daughter of Paul and Clara (Thibodeau) Daigle, born on 24 February 1915, is correct that I created a profile for her on Family Search. Her profile is GHQ9-9CM. I uploaded her photo there, plus I uploaded one of her photos to her memorial (#121577026) on Find a Grave.
Charles E. Dallachie (1930-2003) &
Sibling (?)
The envelope this negative was in says, “Mrs. Chas. Dallachie, 99 Concord St., Portland #146.”
- 1932, 33, and 34 Portland City Directories indicate Charles A. Dallachie and his wife Isabel lived at 99 Concord St.
- This appears to be Charles Austin Dallachie, born 21 August 1896 in Massachusetts. His wife was Isabel McCulloch Allan. The boy then would be Charles E. Dallachie. Charles E. Dallachie was born 9 March 1930 in Maine. He died 28 September 2003 in Rocky Hill, Connecticut.
I have not been successful in determining the baby in the photo with Charles. I have found several individuals who have Charles E. Dallachie in their family trees. I have contacted three of them to confirm or repute my identification.
[UPDATE: A family member has confirmed the boy is Charles E. Dallachie and the baby is Robert Dallachie.]
I posted the set of three photos to my Flickr account. See: https://www.flickr.com/search/?user_id=57229592%40N03&view_all=1&text=Dallachi
Carolyn Davenport (1918-2014)
The envelope this negative was in says, “Miss Caroline Davenport – Me. Gen. Hospital, Portland, #913.”
The 1937 and 1938 Portland (Maine) City Directories list Carolyn Davenport as a student nurse at 22 Arsenal (Maine General Hospital). The photo is by “Studio Name and Printed info if present.”
The 1939 Portland City Directory indicates she is a nurse who works and lives at 261 Vaughan. That and the high negative number (#913) suggest the photo is from about 1938.
Further research found Carolyn in a 1935 yearbook for Canton High School, Canton, Oxford County, Maine. The photograph of her in the yearbook indicates the same young woman as the photos.
The 1930 Census finds Carolyn Davenport, 11 years old, living in her brother-in-law’s household and her 24-year-old sister Marjorie Lavorgna in Canton. The 1920 Census shows Carolyn residing with her parents, Frank R. and Helen M. Davenport, in Hartford, Oxford County. Her sister’s name in this census is Marcie.
A Birth record for Carolyn May Davenport indicates she was born, 5 May 1918 in Hartford, Oxford County, Maine. Her parents were Frank Davenport (GQL4-QJK) and May Shaw (LL96-G4Q). She was May’s third child.
Carolyn married Norman M. Tilbor and died 4 April 2014 in Barrington, RI.
I created an entry for Carolyn on Family Search, GHQ7-PLK, and have two uploaded photos of her there.
Donald William Davis (1907-1972).
This negative envelope says, “Mr. Donald Davis – 51 Jackson St, Portland #502.”
- The 1940 Census lists 32-year-old Donald Davis living at 51 Jackson in Portland. His mother, Flora E. Davis, is living with him.” Also, Donald was born in Maine.
- The 1930 Census shows Donald living on Jackson Street with his parents James W, and Flora E Davis.
- Donald William Davis’ birth record indicates he was born on 23 May 1907 in Bethel, Oxford, Maine. Donald died on 29 August 1972.
So, I am confident this photo is of Donald William Davis (1907-1972).
Donald William Davis has a profile on Family Search, LYT1-9JG. I have uploaded two photos of him there.
I had:
- Four successful identifications where I could post the photos to Family Search.
- One probable identification – I have contacted other researchers for confirmation.
- One failed identification (the younger sibling of the probably identified person). Again, I’ve contacted other researchers for help in identification.
Final Note
If any of these photos are of a family member, I would love to hear your reaction.
[i] The Wight Studio was in Portland, Maine. Many thanks to Ethel Wight’s family for access to and permission to use the collection of their great aunt.
[ii] These images were converted to positives using a lightbox, a Nikon camera, and computer software (Photoshop Elements).
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Thank you for doing this, Nice to see people from “The County”, my neck of the woods.
Mr. Taylor .. I admire your efforts in identifying & trying to find “homes” for these precious images. Thanks to you & your genealogical skills I now have a wonderful photo of my dad to share with my siblings -one that we never knew existed. Martha Violette