Don Taylor Genealogy – 2019 Year in Review


The primary purpose of my blog is to help me understand my genealogical findings. It is like a diary or journal that helps me to focus on what I know. It helps me to stay focused not to become distracted. I would like to remind readers that I do accept guest submissions. If you would like to write something that will be of interest to readers of my six primary topics (Brown, Darling, Howell, and Roberts lines as well DNA discoveries or understanding and Donna Montran’s Vaudeville Career), I’ll be happy to consider your submission as a guest post.

I am not selling genealogical services. However, I do lead a genealogical group at the Scarborough Public Library. We meet the 4th Monday of the month learn more about it on the SPL-GG Facebook Page. participate with the I do participate in an affiliate program. Please, consider using my links when you purchase genealogical resources so I can help fund this site.

2018 Statistics.

I wrote 125 posts during the year, slightly up from 2018.  My goal is to post, at a minimum, once every three days. So, I made my goal by posting an average of once every 2.92 days.

The number of page views stayed virtually the same in 2019 over 2018 down 0.01%, So the average views per day stayed at 36.

I currently have 460 followers/subscribers – up from 409 at the beginning of the year. Besides direct subscribers, there are other individuals that follow my blog via Facebook, Twitter, and Google. If you do not subscribe to, please do so.

Referrals to my site are as I would expect, Google by far the greatest referrer, with Facebook a distant 2nd. The third was the WordPress Android App. My old Blogspot site dropped to sixth, so I guess I still can’t delete it.

Top Seven Postings for 2019

My number one post during 2019 was the same as my #1 post in 2016, 2017, 2018 “Why I’ll never do business with MyHeritage Again.” I guess people love reading rants.

My number 2 article for 2019 was number 2 last year as well it was the 2017 “OMG – Another Half-Sibling,” which spoke about learning of a half-sibling here-to-fore unknown for my mother. Quite the surprise for my mother and my half-aunt, Barbara.

Third, was my review of DNA Painter. I definitely need to do more reviews.

Number 4 was my “Surname Saturday” article about the Howell surname. I will try to do more surnames in that series.

Number 5, an “Ancestry ThruLines” posting about my second-great-grandfather, Asa Ellis.

Number 6 surprised me greatly. It was a 2016 memorial article regarding my uncle, Russell Kees. I received a touching comment from Lisa Emmert who indicated that Russ wrote a poem to her mother in the 1940s. The poem was “To Rosie.”

Number 7 was another review, Ancestry’s ThruLines.


Going through these statistics, I noticed that my “Surname Saturday” dropped off my radar for work. I need to resurrect that series. Like previous years reviews, My Heritage, Lost Cousins, DNA Painter, and Ancestry ThruLines were among my most read articles.

Next Year

I have found that I overextended myself during 2018.  As such, I have decided to reduce my activities in several areas and focus more on family and Scarborough activities. I have quit doing any kind of (paid) genealogical consulting activities. I will also greatly reduce my genealogical society volunteerism and will drop memberships in at least six societies and organizations. I plan to work more diligently on my five primary research areas, Brown, Darling, Howell, Roberts, and Donna’s Vaudeville and less on my other genealogical projects. I will continue efforts with the Scarborough Historical Society. I expect 2020 to be an exciting year for genealogy as more and more records become available online.



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One Response to Don Taylor Genealogy – 2019 Year in Review

  1. Karl Schlotterbeck says:

    You’ve always had impressive output.
    I, too, have been downsizing activities (although it’s a struggle).
    Those who continue to have your involvement are lucky.

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