Category Archives: Saturday
Surname Saturday – Beardsley
Darling Line By Don Taylor Name Origin According to Forebears, the surname “Beardsley” is a derivation of “Bardsley,” which was derived from being from a place, ‘of Bardsley.’ Bardsley is a parish between Ashton and Oldham, near Manchester. The American … Continue reading
Long – Surname Saturday
Long – Surname Saturday Howell-Hobbs-Long Long Surname Meaning The European surname Long is a descriptive term regarding the stature of the original bearer of the name.[i] Think of it in terms of a “long tall” individual. The Chinese surname “Long” … Continue reading
Huber – Surname Saturday
Name Origin Huber and its derivatives (Hubbard, Hibbert, Hibbins, Hibbs, Hibson, and possibly Hoover) derive from the word, hube, a measure of land that could sustain and be worked by one farmer’s family. The name Huber designated the farmer who … Continue reading
Bryan – Surname Saturday
Name Origin Bryan is a surname based upon habitation, that is to say, based upon where a person lived or came from. The Dictionary of American Family Names[i] indicates it derives from either of two places called Brionne in northern … Continue reading