Tag Archives: Eliza Jane Fannin

DNA Match leads to 3rd Great’s

Autosomal DNA Brown/Manning/Fannin Line By Don Taylor On 23 and Me, I contacted a cousin I’ll call “JK.” The individual shared 1.34% of his DNA with my mother and .77% of his DNA with me. He also shared .91% of … Continue reading

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DNA, the X Chromosome & Minerva Tolliver Manning

For many years, I have been hearing the stories that my 3rd Great Grandmother, Minerva Tolliver Manning was “Full-Blooded Cherokee.” I’ve never believed it and have written about the possibility of Minerva being Native American a few times before. Please … Continue reading

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Eliza Jane Fannin (1861-1882)

52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks – Week 25 – Eliza Jane Fannin (1861-1882) Sometimes it is necessary to go back to the drawing board. My records on my 2nd great-grandparents are abysmal.  I have a couple documents.  One is a paragraph … Continue reading

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