Tag Archives: Blackhurst

Fanny (Taylor) Blackhurst (1806-1889)

By Don Taylor I sometimes tell the story that, “I am the oldest Taylor in my generations, that there are no Taylor’s older than me related to me.” (I need to tell the story of how I got the surname … Continue reading

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My Male Ancestors – Birth, Death, and Age at Death

Brown/Montran Research Roberts/Barnes Research One of the reasons that I enjoy Randy Seaver’s blog, Genea-Musings is that he regularly makes me realize the missing branches I have in my tree leaves have lots more to do on my tree.  His … Continue reading

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Blackhurst a rare name in my family tree.

Surname Saturday – Blackhurst by Don Taylor Name Origin Blackhurst is a surname based upon habitation, that is to say it is based upon where a person lived or came from. In this case “Blackhurst” derived from Old English blæc … Continue reading

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Ancestry DNA, Cousin Bonnie, & Rachael Fugate Manning

I recently connected with a third cousin I hadn’t known of through Ancestry DNA. We knew we were a match, but my cousin’s tree was private. After contacting her, she shared her tree with me and we quickly determined our … Continue reading

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