Linwood Dyer Collection – Part 056
Hod, Wright, JPD, Liz, Others Album (2024.13.50)
By Don Taylor
The Linwood Dyer Photo Collection at the Scarborough Historical Society contains a photo album labeled “HOD WRIGHT JPD LIZ OTHERS.” While some photos are identified, others are not. I am trying to positively identify and then share these historical photos with the descendants of the people pictured, offering families a chance to see unknown images of their ancestors.
The original materials, including this album (Accession number: 2024.13.43), are carefully preserved at the Scarborough Historical Society, serving as part of the broader Linwood Dyer Photo Collection’s enduring legacy.
Annie Libby Berryman, circa 1897.

From page 41, this photo is labeled “Annie Libby Berrinien.” The photographer is “Lamson – 5 Temple St., Portland, ME.” The Lamson Studio operated at 5 Temple Street from 1883 to 1907. I judge the person in the photo to be in her 20s.
I reviewed Annie Libby in Part 054 of this series, and this photo shows the same young woman. She appears to be about a year older than in other images estimated taken in 1896.
Nellie Laidlaw, circa 1915.

This photo, from page 29, is labeled Nellie Laidlaw. The photographer is not identified but appears to be newer than Cabinet Cards.
My previous research discovered Nellie Ester Laidlaw, daughter of William Scot and Blanch (Plummer) Laidlaw, born in Scarborough, Maine, on 1 September 1915. She appears to be about a year old in this photo, so I date the photo to circa 1916.
Further research found that Nellie died on 12 July 1989 in Scarborough. She also had a sibling, Alvin Thomas Laidlaw (1912-1913), and her mother was Blanche Plummer Roberts (1892-1945), who I reviewed previously–See Linwood Dyer Collection Part 54.
I am confident this photo is of Nellie, taken in 1915 when she was about a year old.
Eleanor Moody, circa 1893.

This photo, from page 40, is labeled Eleanor Moody. The photographer is “Smith Photographer.” At least six different Smith photographers in Portland operated from 1871 to 1916. I judge the person in the photo as about 25 years old, dating the photo to 1893.
Eleanor’s obituary indicates she attended Scarborough Schools, a state teachers’ college, and a business college. She opened a school of stenography & shorthand at 98 Exchange Street.
Jim Wright, 1903.

This photo from page 28 is labeled Jim Wright. The photographer is “Jackson, Portland, Maine.” Charles E. Jackson had a studio at 548½ from 1891 to 1908.
My previous research discovered James A Wright, son of Albert E and Sarah “Lizzie” (Plummer Wright, born about 1903 in Maine.
James Albert Wright was born on 30 January 1903 in Scarborough, Maine, to Albert E & Lizzie S. Wright. I previously reviewed photos of “Aunt Liz” – See Linwood Dyer Collection Part 54.
I am confident this photo is of James Wright, taken in 1903 when he was less than a year old.
David & Jim Wright, Circa 1910.

This photo from page 34 is labeled “David & Jim Wright.” The image is a snapshot without a photographer identified.
My previous research discovered David & James Wright, sons of Albert E and Sarah “Lizzie” (Plummer) Wright. David was born on 23 May 1905 in Scarborough, Maine. In this photo, he appears to be about five years old, dating back to circa 1910.
Family photographs hold an extraordinary power to connect us across generations, offering glimpses into the lives, personalities, and experiences of those who came before us. The discovery of an unseen photograph of a beloved ancestor can be a profoundly moving experience that collapses the distance of time and allows us to see our family members as they once were, perhaps in the full bloom of youth or childhood. If any of these images have helped you recognize an ancestor, I would be deeply grateful to hear your story and learn how these photographs have enriched your understanding of your family’s history.
For those interested in accessing the highest quality versions of these historical photographs for genealogical research, please note that the full-resolution images are available through Ancestry and Family Search platforms due to technical constraints. These photographs are shared freely for your family history research and documentation, with the simple request that you acknowledge their source with the citation: “Photo Courtesy: Scarborough Historical Society.” By sharing and properly attributing these images, you help maintain the vital connection between these historical materials and their custodians, ensuring that future generations can continue to discover and learn from these precious visual records of our shared past.