Category Archives: Saturday
Wolcott – Surname Saturday
By Don Taylor Ancestry indicates that the surname “Wolcott” is a Habitational name for someone from Wollcot in Somerset, England. Possibly so named from the Middle English wolle meaning “spring” and cot, meaning “cottage” or “shelter.” Forebears indicate it is … Continue reading
My Computer History
My History, My Memories Saturday Night Genealogy Fun By Don Taylor In his blog, Genea Musings, Randy Seaver suggested that people write about their computer history – basically how we “became slaves” to our computers. I figured, because computers are … Continue reading
Brown – Surname Saturday (2)
Brown Surname Meaning[i] English, Scottish, and Irish: Generally a nickname referring to the color of the hair or complexion, Middle English br(o)un, from Old English brun or Old French brun. As an American family name, it has absorbed numerous surnames … Continue reading
Sutherland – Surname Saturday
Roberts Research Ancestry indicates that Sutherland surname is a Scottish regional name from the Old Norse suðr ‘south’ + land ‘land.’ Sutherland lays south of Scandinavia and the Norse colonies in the Orkney and Shetland Islands. Forebears add that it … Continue reading
Parsons – Surname Saturday
Brown-Sanford-Parsons Line By Don Taylor Origin of the Parsons Surname Ancestry indicates Parsons is an occupational name for the servant of a parish priest or parson, or possibly, the parson’s son. I ignored other meanings for Parsons, from Irish and … Continue reading