Grandpa Brown In the News – 24 April 1935

Status of Brown – Detailed Letter – Local Attorney Title

88 Years Ago Today
By Don Taylor

Grandpa Brown found himself in the front page news once again. He had abducted mom and was being held by the Chicago Police. However, he was illegally removed from Minnesota by the Illinois state police and brought to Illinois. Because of that, the two governors were in a battle of letters about what to do with Grandpa.

From the Brainerd Daily Dispatch, 24 April 1935, Page 2, column 6, top*.


Question of the burden of safeguarding an alleged fugitive, precipitated by the apparently illegal removal of Clifford Brown. Brainerd, to Chicago on a warrant charging child abduction, today brought the opinion that local authorities to whom the warrant was sent *or execution are responsible.

The opinion was shared by Gov. I Floyd B Olson and Gov. Henry Horner of Illinois, who held an exchange of letters investigating the removal of Brown. William J. Swanson. Brainerd attorney and counsel for Brown, said following receipt of a letter from Gov. Olson’s office.

Swanson said the letter quoted the law saying that the alleged fugitive should be given ample time to consult counsel before being removed. The law, he said, also provides penalty for violation. Swanson said Brown was moved without being given opportunity to consult counsel and despite his demand to fight extradition.

The warrant provides for an opportunity to apply for writ of habeas corpus to the local court and although Brown requested of the police officers here the right to see his attorney and his folks before he was taken away, he was refused that right, which the law affords him. Brown also requested extradition hearing, which was refused him.

Brown’s case has been postponed! until April 29 and he is represented by counsel in Chicago. In the meantime, the governor of Minnesota and the governor of Illinois are in communication with reference to the removal of Brown to Chicago. The governor of Illinois is of the opinion that it is doubtful whether there is any legal way to return Brown unless the charge is dismissed. He is, however, having an investigation made and the question of Brown’s return is held in abeyance pending the investigation and the further action of Minnesota authorities.


Key fact learned: Clifford Brown’s case was postponed until April 29th, 1935.

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