Monthly Archives: March 2016
Determining Cousins – My Formula/Process
Determining Cousins I was recently asked by a family member how to figure out cousins, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and so forth and what “removed” means. What makes someone a first cousin once removed, and so forth. First, there are many … Continue reading
It is all the rage – Birthplace Charts
By Don Taylor It has become all the rage. Doing a birthplace chart. I understand that J. Paul Hawthorne started the idea on Facebook of doing a simple pedigree chart indicating where your ancestors came from. It has been picked … Continue reading
100 Years ago – Elizabeth Grace Darling – (1906-1987)
Today is a great day to remember Elizabeth Grace Darling, “Aunt Betty,” because today would be her 110th birthday if she were still living. Betty is my wife’s great-aunt; the sister of my wife’s grandfather. I have written about my … Continue reading
Finding Family – Ancestry and AncestryDNA provided the tools to determine my biological father and half-siblings.
By Don Taylor Determining my biological father and discovering new half siblings is, by far, the greatest success I’ve had in my genealogical activities. Thanks to Ancestry and AncestryDNA, I have been successful in answering lifelong questions regarding my paternity and my ancestry. Don … Continue reading