Monthly Archives: January 2016
The Search for Abner Darling (1780-1839)
The Search for Rufus H Darling’s father:Abner Darling Finding individuals before the 1850 Census is always problematic. I find the process to be an iterative process, that is to say, it is necessary to go through the same records several … Continue reading
Abstract & Will of Abner Darling (1780-1839)
Abstract & Will of Abner Darling (1780-1839) Amanuensis Monday Great-great grandfather Rufus Holton Darling’s father’s name was Abner and his mother’s name was Sally. Although I am not totally convinced, I am fairly certain that this “Record of Will” refers … Continue reading
Donna in Bridgeport, CT, at Poli’s – June 30-July 2, 1927
By Don Taylor We know Donna played in Warren, PA, in early May, but don’t know where she, Sammy, and Hal Dixon were until the played at Poli’s Theater in Bridgeport, CT from June 30 until July 2, 1927.[i] [ii] … Continue reading
Compulsive searching – Bert Allen Roberts (1903-1949)
Compulsive searching… I think the more passionate we are about something the more likely we can be compulsive about it. We can put hours and hours into something with no results and still keep going. At some point, we just … Continue reading