Tag Archives: Ancestry
Social Networking & Mother-in-Law’s atDNA Results
Social Networking I was out of town last week for personal business and didn’t have a chance to do any genealogical activity while gone. I’m back now and am putting the final touches on my Social Networking for Genealogy presentation … Continue reading
Y-DNA – Post 1: Why I started down this path.
By Don Taylor I have always wondered who my natural father was. Being the illegitimate child of an illegitimate child has always made my perception of father figures somewhat misty. My mother did not know her father during her childhood. … Continue reading
Ancestry’s Autosomal DNA Results
I have been waiting for several months for the results of my autosomal DNA testing from Ancestry and finally received them. The critical component they report is your Genetic Ethnicity. No surprise, the results show I am 75% from the … Continue reading