Tag Archives: Ancestry DNA
Finding Family – Ancestry and AncestryDNA provided the tools to determine my biological father and half-siblings.
By Don Taylor Determining my biological father and discovering new half siblings is, by far, the greatest success I’ve had in my genealogical activities. Thanks to Ancestry and AncestryDNA, I have been successful in answering lifelong questions regarding my paternity and my ancestry. Don … Continue reading
My Paternal Brick Wall
Is my biggest brick wall is shattered? Thanks to genetic genealogy, I believe my biggest brick wall has finally been knocked down, shattered, destroyed. I now have a huge lead as to who my biological father is. Searching for who … Continue reading
Ancestry DNA, Cousin Bonnie, & Rachael Fugate Manning
I recently connected with a third cousin I hadn’t known of through Ancestry DNA. We knew we were a match, but my cousin’s tree was private. After contacting her, she shared her tree with me and we quickly determined our … Continue reading
Social Networking & Mother-in-Law’s atDNA Results
Social Networking I was out of town last week for personal business and didn’t have a chance to do any genealogical activity while gone. I’m back now and am putting the final touches on my Social Networking for Genealogy presentation … Continue reading
My Wife’s DNA Results
I was bad. I mean, I was very bad. I got my wife an Ancestry autosomal DNA test for her birthday. Sure, she received some other gifts from me, but she thinks the autosomal DNA test was more for me than for her. … Continue reading