Category Archives: Surname Saturday
Surname Saturday – White
Darling – White By Don Taylor Surname Origin – White Simply, the surname “White” typically comes from a nickname, “the white,” signifying a person with white hair or pale complexion. Typically, it comes from English, Scottish, and Irish ancestors.[i] Geographical … Continue reading
Trümpi – Surname Saturday
Surname Saturday Name Origin It seems there are too few instances of the surname Trümpi for anyone to know its meaning. Ancestry, Forebears, and Genealogy Bank, all have generic pages that indicate where surnames typically come from. Geographical There are … Continue reading
Hobbs – Surname Saturday
Name Origin Hob is a “pet form of Robert” and Hobbs is a patronymic form for Son of Hob, as is Hobson. Geographical Worldwide there are approximately 99,273 people who bear the Hobbs surname. The vast majority, over 62,000 in … Continue reading
Blackwell – Surname Saturday
Origin of the Blackwell Surname Blackwell is a habitational name, that is to say a place where people lived.[i] Durham, Cumbria, Derbyshire, and Worcestershire in England are examples of places where there is a Blackwell, England.[ii] Wikipedia lists about 100 … Continue reading