Josiah Fugate – First Cousin[i] of the Blues.

Pocahontas Project
Brown-Mannin(g)-Fugate Line
By Don Taylor

Last year, I learned that I may have Pocahontas as an Ancestor. I was comfortable that Rachel Fugate was my 4th great-grandmother. I needed to confirm the line from her to my possible 12th great-grandmother, Pocahontas. I went on to prove Rachel’s father was Reuben Fugate. To continue researching my path to Pocahontas, I decided to look at Reuben’s father, Josiah Fugate.

A couple of years ago, when I looked at my Fugate ancestors during a Surname Saturday, I wondered if my Fugate ancestors were related to the famous “Blue Fugates of Troublesome Creek, KY.” As I began researching, I found that Josiah was a first cousin, once removed, of Martin Fugate, one of the earliest Blue Fugates. So, some of my Fugate ancestors are used in classes to demonstrate how genetic disease is inherited as an autosomal recessive.[ii]

Ben Stacy, the last known blue descendant of the Fugates[iii], is my 8th cousin, 1x removed.

Now that I’ve had a fun diversion into my Blue Fugate relatives, I can return to learning more about Josiah Fugate, my 6th great-grandfather.


[i] Actually, first cousin, 1x removed.
[ii] Science Classroom Teacher Resources – Blue People Lab – The Blue People of Troublesome Creek, KY.
[iii] The Collector – “8 Astonishing Facts About the Blue Fugates” by Madison Whipple.

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