Monthly Archives: December 2020

Ethel Wight Collection – Part 8

Barry (2), Bennett (2), & Bernard Photo Friday By Don Taylor This week for Photo Friday, I identify more negatives from the Ethel Wight Studio Collection[i]. The names on the envelope are of the individual who paid for the photos, … Continue reading

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Family Oral History & James Cooper Lamb

Darling-Mcallister-Lamb Military By Don Taylor I often find family oral history fascinating. I’ve found there are usually grains of truth in the oral story; invariably, some details aren’t quite right. I think I may have found the basis for an … Continue reading

Posted in Lamb, Military | 1 Comment

Family Search’s “Family History Activities”

Tuesday Tips By Don Taylor I was reading Randy Seaver’s blog, Genea-Musings, where he used FamilySearch’s Famous Relatives and found he was related to Lucille Ball. I thought that is kind of cool. I wonder if I am related also. … Continue reading

Posted in Tuesday's Tips | 2 Comments

Isabella Atkinson & the Censuses.

Darling-McAllister-Lamb-Atkinson Census Sunday By Don Taylor Following families in the early census records is always difficult and I find English Census records particularly difficult to follow. To the best of my research, Isabella Atkinson (my wife’s 3rd great-grandmother on her … Continue reading

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Ethel Wight Collection – Part 7

Basford, Batura, Bearce, Belyea, & Benn Photo Friday By Don Taylor This week for Photo Friday, I identify five more negatives from the Ethel Wight Studio Collection[i]. The names on the envelope are of the individual who paid for the … Continue reading

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