Monthly Archives: December 2020

Don Taylor Genealogy – 2020 Year in Review

The primary purpose of my blog is to help me understand my genealogical findings. It is like a diary or journal that helps me to focus on what I know. It helps me to stay focused not to become distracted. … Continue reading

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Don’s Genealogy News – December 29, 2020.

Don’s Genealogy News includes genealogical activities I’m involved with as well as genealogical items that I’ve found interesting and would like to share with my genealaogical friends. I hope you find them interesting.  Scarborough Historical Society One second after midnight … Continue reading

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Relative Sketch – James Cooper Lamb

Darling-McAllister-Lamb By Don Taylor James Cooper Lamb was the brother of my wife’s 2nd great-grandmother, Margaret Mary Lamb (1860-1929). I researched him primarily to seek additional information regarding his mother Isabella (Atkinson) Lamb who appears to have vanished from the … Continue reading

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Ethel Wight Collection – Part 9

Bibber, Billings, Bixby, Blaisdell, & Blake Photo Friday By Don Taylor This week for Photo Friday, I look at identifying five more negatives from the Ethel Wight Studio Collection[i]. The names on the envelope are of the individual who paid … Continue reading

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James Lamb and the Workhouse

Darling-McAllister-Lamb By Don Taylor It is easy to forget that words often have different meanings in the US than they do in the UK. For example, being “stuck in the bog” could mean being stuck in the bathroom in England, … Continue reading

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