Short Aside for 6th Great-Grand Uncle, John Darling

Darling Line
By Don Taylor

Photo of Don Taylor with cat Nasi.One of my most interesting genealogical finds regarding my wife’s Darling family was her first known immigrant Darling Ancestor was Dennis Darling. Dennis was born about 1640 and came to Massachusetts Colony during the 1600s.  It appears that Dennis had at least 10 children. His youngest child, Benjamin, was born in 1664 in Braintree. Benjamin is my wife’s 6th great-grandfather. His second oldest was John, who I learned came to Maine.  Imagine my surprise when I learned that John bought property here in Scarborough in 1726. He bought 60 acres near the Spurwink River, which is about 5 miles from where my wife and I live. Also, one of my wife’s nieces lives much closer to the Spurwink River, only about a mile away. She may pass by old 7th great-grandfather Darling’s place regularly. I’d like to determine exactly where it was. The Description of following the line “to a great oak & from thence northwest up into the Woods” isn’t a lot of help nearly 400 years later.

The Scarborough Historical Society has several maps of the area from the 1700s, that I definitely need to look at closely. Could John show up on one of those maps? Could either the person he bought the property from be identified where he lived. Maybe the neighbor mention in the Deed. It will be interesting to find out. Names I’ll look for include:

  • John Darling
  • John Bowden (or Boden)
  • Premisses & Samuel Oakman

I am looking at York County Deeds, Volume XII, Folio 89, “Boden To Darling” deed transfer.

York Deeds – Book XII
Part 1 – 1726-1727
Folio 89

York Deeds, Volume Xii, Folio 88To all Christian People to whom these Presents shall come Greeting Know ye That I John Bowden of Marble Head in the County of Essex in the Province of the Massachusetts Bay in New Engand Shoreman for & in Consideration of the Sum of Sixty Pounds currant Money of the Province aforesaid to me in Hand paid before the Ensealing hereof by John Darling of Falmouth in the County of York & Province aforesaid Husbandman the Receit whereof I do hereby acknowledge & my self fully satisfied contented & paid have given granted bargained sold aliened released conveyed & confirmed & by these Presents do freely clearly & absolutely give grant bargain sell aliene release convey & confirm unto him the said John Darling his Heirs & Assigns forever sixty Acres of Upland & Salt Marsh be the same more or less In the Township of Scarborough in the said County of York bounded as followeth viz Easterly with Spurwink River Southerly with a Creek & run of Water running betwixt the Premisses & Samuel Oakmans Land running up to a Great Oak & from thence North West up into the Woods until the said sixty Acres be accomplished he paying in Proportion of the six Days Work reserved by Robert Jordan in his Deed

To have and to hold the before granted Premisses with the Appurtenances unto the said John Darling his Heirs Exec Admin18 & Assigns for ever To his & their own proper Use Benefit & Behoof forever more And I the said John Boden for my self my Heirs Execrs & Adminrs do covenant promise & grant unto & with the said John Darling his Heirs & Assigns for ever That before & until the Ensealing hereof I am the true sole proper & lawful Owner & Possessor of the before granted Premisses with the Appurtenances—And have in my self good Right full Power & lawful Authority to give grant bargain sell aliene release convey & confirm the same as aforesaid And that free & clear & freely & clearly executed acquitted & discharged of & from all former & other Gifts Grants Bargains Sales Leases Mortgages Wills Entails Joyntures Dowries Thirds Executions & Incumbrances whatsoever—And further more I the said John Boden for my self my Heirs Execrs & Adminrs do hereby covenant promise & engage the before granted Premisses with the Appurtenances unto him the said John Darling his Heirs & Assigns for ever to warrant secure & defend against the lawful Claims or Demands of any Person or Persons whatsoever In Witness whereof the said John Boden with Johannah my Wife have hereunto set our Hands & Seals the sixth Day of January in the thirteenth Year of his Majesty’s Reign Anno Domini 1726.

Signed Sealed & Delivered
in Presence of us
Joseph Cogswell
Nathan Bowen
The Mark of John Boden (seal)
The mark of Johanna + Boden (seal)
Essex se | Mhead Jan’ry 18th
1726 John Boaden psonally
appeared and acknowledged the In-
strument on the other side to be his
free Act & Deed

Coram J Oulton J. Peace
January the 25th 1726 | 7 A true copy of the Original Exam’d                 by Jos : Moody Reg’r

Facts I learned

John Darling bought 60 acres in Scarborough, ME in 1726 from John Bowden (or Boden). The property abutted Premisses & Samuel Oakman land.


  • York County (Me.)., Richardson, H. W., Sargent, W. M., Chapman, L. B., Bowler, E., Maine Historical Society., & Maine Genealogical Society (1884- ). (1989). York deeds. [1642-1737] Book 12 [1726-1727]. Portland: J.T. Hull.

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One Response to Short Aside for 6th Great-Grand Uncle, John Darling

  1. Douglas Oakman says:

    Hi Mr. Taylor,

    In my Oakman Family Tree research, I arrived at your comments of your wife’s “Darling” ancestor that owned land in the Spurwink River / Cape Elizabeth area. Your comments also indicate that you live in Scarborough.

    My name is James Douglas Oakman and I live in Kennebunk. Based on my research with the Maine Historical Society, Maine Historical and Genealogical Recorder, the Vital Records of Massachusetts, my discussion and research with the Scarborough Historical Society, and various books, I am a direct descendent of Samuel Oakman of old Scarboro. By your comments, the Darling’s and Oakman’s were neighbors in the Spurwick area. Samuel Oakman owed land referred to Oakman Island.

    I have not run across any Darling genealogical information, but I have obtained various maps and information for the Spurwick area for Samuel Oakman’s land ownership from the Scarborough History Society. The Society also helped my located the approximate area of Oakman’s Island, which really was not an island, but water flowed around the land back then, so the property become knows as an “island”. Several houses are not built on the Oakman land area.

    Back then, the Spurwick area was part of Scarboro (later Scarborough). If you are looking for Spurwick information, let me know. Maybe I can help you. If you have information on Samuel Oakman, I would appreciate sharing the information.

    I plan to research the sources you provided for Oakman references. Thank you for providing them.

    Please do not hesitate to contact me.

    Take care, Doug Oakman

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