Happy Anniversary, William M Sanford & Mary Electra Parsons

October 29
by Don Taylor

Today, I remember my third great-grandparents, William M Sanford & Mary Electra Parsons. They married 179 years ago, on October 29, 1845, in Michigan.

They had seven children, including my 2nd great-grandmother, Marion Sanford.

William was married three times:

  • 1845 – Mary Electra Parsons; she died in 1888 at the age of 59,
  • 1893 – Harriet A. Kent; she died in 1894.
  • 1901 – Phila Geer Frisby

William and Mary are buried together on row 8, Lake View Cemetery, Cathay, Wells County, North Dakota.[i]

For more information on William and Mary, see:

I know of no photos, paintings, or drawings of William or Mary. If you have an image of either of them or know more about their lives, I would love to hear from you. If either is your ancestor, I would love to share information with you. Please let me know how we are related.


[i] Find a grave – Mary E Parsons Sanford Memorial 142980426 and William Sanford Memorial 142980536.

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Photo Friday – Rice, Sherman, Thompson, Verrill, Trickey (née Babb).

Linwood Dyer Collection – Part 038
Skillin, Libby, Trickey Photo Album.
Portland, Scarborough, & Westbrook, Maine
By Don Taylor

This week, I looked at the last two, named people from the Skillin, Libby, and Trickey photo album from the Linwood Dyer Collection. I also continue with three other photos from the Linwood Dyer Photo Collection. This collection includes hundreds of images, documents, and genealogies of people who lived in Portland, Scarborough, and Westbrook, Maine. My goal is to reunite the images with family members who may have never seen the pictures before. The Scarborough Historical Society holds the originals in the Linwood Dyer Photo Collection.

Rhoda (Babb) Trickey, before 1880.

Photo of Rhoda (née Babb) Trickey, before 1880.
Rhoda (Babb) Trickey

This 4¼ x 6½ cabinet card has no markings. However, a slip of paper with the photo says, Rhoda Babb – m Otis Trickey.

What I learned while researching this photo:

  • My previous research identified Rhoda Babb, who married Otis Trickey. They had two children I’ve researched before, Lucy Ellen Trickey and “Harriet “Hattie” Trickey.
  • FamilySearch has a profile for Rhoda, KCGX-5GZ. It indicates she was born about 1804 in Westbrook, Maine. She married Otis Trickey (1806-1870) on 3 November 1831 in Westbrook. She died on 6 April 1880 in Cumberland County. She and Otis had five children: John B., Mary Rebecca, Lucy Ellen, Harriet J, and Lois.

I added this photo to my Linwood Dyer Collection family tree at Ancestry and uploaded the image to FamilySearch.

M. Rice – Tintype.

Tintype of M. Rice

The last photo I’m looking at from the Skillin, Libby, Trickey Photo Album is a tintype with no identification. However, the handwriting in the photo album with the image is “M. Rice.”

I have not identified the individual in this photo sufficiently to upload to my family tree or Dead Fred, so I only included the individual’s photo here and in my Flickr Photostream.

Edward Rand Sherman, Feb 12, 1900 (age 1).

Photo of Edward Rand Sherman, 1900 (Age 1).
Edward Rand Sherman, 1900.

This 4¼ x 6½ cabinet card of a baby has an embossed studio name and border, suggesting it was created after 1890. Identifying information includes:

  • Photographer: H.M. Smith – 478 Congress St., Portland, Me.
  • Handwritten on the back Edward Rand Sherman, Feb 12, 1899 – Feb 12, 1990.

What I learned while researching this photo:

  • I researched Edward Rand Sherman previously. He was born on 12 February 1899 to John Curtis and Margaret Eva Lena (Taylor) Sherman in Portland, Maine.
  • FamilySearch indicates he died in October 1972 in Fairfield, Connecticut. He married Edith Deli.

I added this photo to my Linwood Dyer Collection family tree at Ancestry and to his FamilySearch profile, LVDB-R1Y.

Elmer Russell Verrill, SHS Class of 1937.

Elmer Vernal, Class of 1937.
Elmer Vernill

This photo is of a young man. On the back is a handwritten note, “Elmer Verrell, 37.”

What I learned while researching this photo:

  • The 1937 Scarborough High School yearbook, The Four Corners, shows the same photo of Elmer Russell Verrill
    • Nickname: “Super.”
    • Date of Birth: July 2, 1918.
    • Hobby: Roller Skating.
    • Basketball (1, 2); Outdoor Track (4); Baseball (3, 4); Volley Ball (1, 2); 4-H Club (1, 4); County Champion (1); Athletic Association (1, 2, 3, 4).

I added this photo to my Linwood Dyer Collection family tree at Ancestry and to his Family Search profile, L1NG-9K6.

Ruth Ella Thompson, SHS Class of 1938.

Photo of Ruth Thompson, SHS Class of 1938.
Ruth Thompson

This photo is of a young woman. A handwritten note on the back says, “Ruth Thompson – SHS Class 1938.”

What I learned while researching this photo:

  • The 1938 Scarborough High School yearbook, The Four Corners, shows a similar photo of the same girl:
    • Ruth Ella Thompson
    • Born February 27, 1918.
    • Hobby: Walking.
    • Home Economics Club, 1, 2, 3; Junior Red Cross, 1. 2. 3, 4; 4-H Club, 1, 2. 3.

I added this photo to my Linwood Dyer Collection family tree at Ancestry and to FamilySearch profile L1QC-V88.


I would love to hear your reaction if any of these photos are of your family member. Especially if this photo is of a loved one for whom you hadn’t seen this photograph before.

Due to software limitations, the images uploaded to Ancestry, Dead Fred, or Flickr have higher quality than those linked here. Feel free to use these photos in your genealogical activities. Please cite “Photo Courtesy: Scarborough Historical Society.”

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Remembering my mom, Sylvia Matson (née Kees).

Taylor Family Tree
Amsterdam Line
By Don Taylor

Photo of Sylvia & Donald, 1958.
Mom & me, 1958.

Today, I remember my mom, Sylvia Matson (née Kees). She was born on January 15, 1932, in Detroit, Michigan. She used to love to say she was a “duce,” as in a 1932 Ford because she liked them so much. She particularly loved the ones with a rumble seat, Model B Cabriolet and Model 18 Deluxe Roadster.

One of my favorite photos of my Mon and I was taken in 1958 when we lived in Anoka, Minnesota. We lived above a bakery. The bakery was larger than our apartment, so we stepped onto the roof for this photo. You can see the Rum River in the background.

As a high school dropout, one of her proudest days was graduating (with a GED) at 73. Here is a photo of her in her cap and gown.

Finally, my most recent photo that includes both of us includes my two Matson half-siblings, Sharon & Mark. I think it was taken in May of 2013.

She died on October 19, 2019, in Buffalo, Wright County, Minnesota. Her cremains were buried at Gull River Cemetery in Cass County, Minnesota, next to her father.

Sharon, Mom, me, & Mark, c. 2013.

For more information on Sylvia, see:

If you have an image of my mom or know something about her life I might not know, I would love to hear from you.

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Photo Friday – Johnson (later Ellis), Libby, & Trickey

Linwood Dyer Collection – Part 037
Skillin, Libby, Trickey Photo Album.
Portland, Scarborough, Windham, Maine
By Don Taylor

I identified four of six people from the Skillin, Libby, and Trickey photo album from the Linwood Dyer Collection for Photo Friday this week. This collection includes hundreds of images, documents, and genealogies of people who lived in Portland, Scarborough, South Portland, and Cape Elizabeth, Maine. My goal is to reunite the images with family members who may have never seen the pictures before. The Scarborough Historical Society holds the originals in the Linwood Dyer Photo Collection.

Lottie May Johnson, circa 1890.

Photo of Lottie May Johnson as a child.
Lottie May Johnson, circa 1890.

This is a 4¼ x 6½ cabinet card of a young girl, about seven years old. The studio name is printed at the bottom, “Dunshee & Co. – Boston, Mass.” The back has additional information about the studio; F.F. Dunshee & F.H. Maxfield are the photographers. They are located at 22 Winter St, and they began in 1889. Handwritten on the back of the card is, “Lotta May Johnson, da of Mable & Fred F., m Ralph Ellis.” The same information is handwritten in the album.

What I learned while researching this photo:

  • My previous work with the Linwood Dyer Photo Collection identified Lottie May Johnson, the daughter of Fred F and Mabel Alnora (Libby) Johnson. From this photo back, I learned she married Ralph Ellis.
  • Lottie May was born in 1883 and would have been seven years old about 1890, which is the date I estimate this photo to have been taken.

I added this photo to my Linwood Dyer Collection family tree at Ancestry.

Dorcas & George Johnson, c. 1880.

Photos of Dorcas & George Johnson.
Dorcas & George Johnson.

These are two 2½ x 4” carte de visite of two individuals labeled Dorcas & George Johnson. The front identifies the studio as “Lamson, Portland, ME. The photo has rounded corners, suggesting it was produced after 1870. George appears to be in his 60s, and Dorcas seems to be in her 50s.

What I learned while researching this photo:

  • J. H. Lamson opened his studio in Portland about 1871 and continued operating until 1910.
  • In Monroe, Maine, on 2 March 1895, a George Herbert Johnson of Brooks, Maine, married Dorcas A. Brown of Salmon River. He was 27, and Dorcas was 28. Dorcas died in 1905 at the age of 38. The man in this photo appears to be older than 37, and the woman is older than 38, so I do not believe this is the correct couple.
  • Family Search identifies a George Washington Johnson, born 24 April 1828 in North Yarmouth, Maine. His parents were George and Dorcas Johnson. There were several other children born to George and Dorcas of Yarmouth.
    • Mary Ann, born 9 April 1815
    • Betsey, christened 11 May 1817
    • Charlotte, christened 1 June 1819.
    • Amos Osgood Johnson, Christened 12 July 1821
    • Nathan, birth 3 July 1823
    • Dorcas, born 4 Dec 1825, died 27 Mar 1826
  • The 1830 US Census lists the George Johnson family of North Yarmouth with:
    • 1 Male under 5.
    • 1 Male 30-40.
    • 1 Female 20-30.
  • Further research indicated that Dorcas, wife of George Johnson of Yarmouth, died about 1833, long before carte de visite became available. However, these images may be reprints from a tintype or another type of photograph.

I could not identify the individuals in these two photos, so I only included the individual’s photo here and in my Flickr Photostream.

Charles & Peter Trickey, circa 1881.

Photos of Charles & Peter Trickey, circa 1881
Charles & Peter Trickey, circa 1881

These two 2½ x 4” carte de visite are from two photographers. A slip of paper with the photos and handwriting on the album indicate they are Charles and Peter Trickey. Charles’ photo was taken at Conant Artistic Photography, 478 ½ Congress St., Portland. It has square corners. Geo. E. Brown Photographer, 237 Middle St., Portland Me. took Peter’s photo. It has gold-tone printing of the studio’s name.

What I learned while researching this photo:

  • Conant studio operated at 478 ½ Congress in Portland from 1877 to 1884.
  • Brown Studio operated at 237 (or 235½) Middle Street from 1879 to after 1905.
  • The 1900 US Census enumerated Charles Trickey (born Apr 1847) and his brother, Peter (born Sept 1859), living in Windham, Cumberland County, Maine.
  • Ancestry Family Trees suggest these are Charles & Peter Trickey, sons of Peter and Harriet H (Hanson) Trickey. The Trickey family consisted of:
    • Peter Trickey (1804-1893) – Head
    • Harriett H (Hanson) Trickey (1814-1889) – Wife
    • Seven sons
      • Albert F Trickey (1835-1851)
      • Edward Trickey (1837-1880)
      • George Trickey (1843-1916)
      • John Trickey (1845-1916)
      • Charles S Trickey (1847-1917)
      • Otis Trickey (1849-1907)
      • Peter Trickey (1859-1922)

I estimate the two photos were taken about 1881.

I uploaded these photos of Charles S. Trickey and Peter Trickey to their FamilySearch profiles and added them to my Linwood Dyer Collection family tree at Ancestry.

Lucy Ellen (Trickey) Libby, of Scarborough, Maine, circa 1890.

Photo of Lucy Ellen (Trickey) Libby, circa 1890.
Lucy Ellen (Trickey) Libby, circa 1890.

These two 4¼ x 6½ cabinet cards are of the same woman in her 50s. They have beveled scalloped edges and ornate backs with the studio information, “J. M. Peck, 12 Monument Square, Portland, Maine,” suggesting they were created between 1890 and 1892. On the back of one of the cards, it says, “Lucy Ellen Trickey, wife of Amos Libby.”

What I learned while researching this photo:

Photo of Lucy Ellen (Trickey) Libby, circa 1890.
Lucy Ellen (Trickey) Libby, circa 1890.
  • J.M. Peck’s studio moved to 12 Monument Square in 1889 and was there until 1891.
  • I previously researched a photo of Amos Libby and learned that Lucy Ellen Trickey was born on 11 November 1835 in Scarborough, Maine, and died on 26 March 1917 in Portland, Maine.

I believe J.M. Peck took these two photos of Lucy Ellen (Trickey) Libby about 1890.

I uploaded these photos of Lucy to her FamilySearch Profile, KZFY-ZQVI, and to my Linwood Dyer Collection family tree at Ancestry.


I would love to hear your reaction if any of these photos are of your family member. Especially if this photo is of a loved one for whom you hadn’t seen this photograph before.

Due to software limitations, the images uploaded to Ancestry, FamilySearch, and Flickr have higher quality than those presented here. Feel free to use these photos in your genealogical activities. Please cite “Photo Courtesy: Scarborough Historical Society.”


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Happy Anniversary Enoch & Minerva

October 11th, (or is it October 15th?) 1843

<Kentucky, U.S., County Marriage Records, 1783-1965 for Enoch Fergate – Crop.jpg>

Kentucky Marriage Records showing marriage of Enoch Fugate & Patsey Toliver.

Today, I remember my third great-grandparents, Enoch and Minerva (Toliver) Mannin. They were married in October 1843 in Morgan County, Kentucky.

Their marriage record is one of the more confounding records I’ve encountered. Most researchers, including me, believe that the record for “Enoch Fugate” and “Patsey Tolliver” is the record of their marriage. Enoch Mannin’s mother was Rachel Fugate (later Mannin), so, understandably, Fugate could have been his middle name. “Patsey” doesn’t appear as a given name for Minerva in any other place that I’ve encountered, but the record has both “Patsey” and “Minerva” as the bride. Also, the index line indicates the marriage date as 11 October, but the written text indicates Joseph Nickells performed the ceremony on the 15th. Consequently, some researchers indicate their marriage on the 11th and others on the 15th. I haven’t found corroborating evidence for either date so far.

Because of this record, I’ve added a nickname for Minerva of “Patsey” and updated their marriage date to “Between 11 and 15 October 1843″ in my records.

For more information on Enoch and Minerva, see my blog: https://dontaylorgenealogy.com/Brown-Montran/

52.  Enoch Mannin (1823-1907)
– – – 1863 – Enlistment Papers – Enoch Mannin
– – – 1880 – Mannin in Carter County – 1880 Census – Also see Manning Deep Dive – Part 2
– – – 1894 – Enoch Mannin – Homesteader
– – – 2015 – Veterans Day – Enoch Mannin
53.  Minerva Ann Tolliver (1821-1902)
– – – DNA, X-chromosome & Minerva Tolliver
– – – Mitochondrial DNA and Minerva Ann (Tolliver) Mannin

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