Donna & Hippodrome In the News

Donna Darling, & Co. at the Hippodrome, Sacramento, CA – June 4-7, 1924.

Donna in the News
100 Years Ago
by Don Taylor

“Donna in the News” reports newly found newspaper articles and advertisements regarding my grandmother, Madonna Montran (aka Donna Montran and Donna Darling). I am always excited when I find a new venue for my grandmother’s exciting show business career of the 1910s and 1920s. 

Advertisement fromn the Sacramento Union, June 4, 1924 showing Donna Darling & Company as the headliner vaudeville show
Sacramento Union, June 4, 1924

This week, I learned from the Sacramento Union (Sacramento, CA) newspaper, dated June 4, 1924, that Donna Darling Co. presented “Romance” at the Hippodrome in Sacramento.

This ad shows a photo of Donna and a man and that her company was playing “Romance.” A second ad the following day listed “Donna Darling & Co. Madison Square Beauty.”

Because of those newly available online advertisements, I was able to add another venue for Donna’s exciting vaudeville career.

New information added to her career list:

June 4-7, 1924 – Sacramento, CA – Hippodrome Vaudeville  – “Romance.”


My thanks to for providing access to this clipping.

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Donna & State Theatre (Oakland, CA) – In the News

Donna Darling and Company “Song and Dance Romance” at the State Theatre, Oakland, CA, June 1-3, 1924.

Donna in the News
100 Years Ago
by Don Taylor

“Donna in the News” is my reporting of newly found newspaper articles and advertisements regarding my grandmother, Madonna Montran (aka Donna Montran and Donna Darling). I am always excited when I find a new venue for my grandmother’s exciting show business career of the 1910s and 1920s.

This week, from the Oakland Post Enquirer (Oakland, CA), dated May 31, 1924, I learned that Donna played at the State Theatre in Oakland, California, in early June 1924.

Both an advertisement and a short write-up were in the paper.

Advertisment - Viola Dana & Milton Sills - The Heart Bandit - with Vaudville Bill that includes Donna Darling.
The Oakland Post Enquirer, May 31, 1934.

‘Heart Bandit’ to Top New State Bill

Viola Dana and Milton Sills, favorites of moviedom, are said to display their talents to full advantage in “The Heart Bandit” a thrilling crook romance…

The vaudeville bill is headed by Vernon and Knox, European magicians, making their first tour of America. Other acts are Sam K. Nainca and a “Hawaiian Musical Diversionl;” Donna Darling and company in a “Song and Dance Romance;” “Bob White, the Whiz-Bang Doughboy;” and Lena and Wilson in a laughable skit.

Because of those newly available online articles, I was able to add another venue for Donna’s exciting vaudeville career.

New information added to her career list:

June 1-3, 1924 – Oakland, CA – State Theatre – “Song and Dance Romance.”


My thanks to for providing access to this clipping.

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Photo Friday – Brown, Curtis (née Pednault), Dean, & Dinsmore.

Linwood Dyer Collection – Part 016
By Don Taylor

This week, for Photo Friday, I identified the people in five photos from the Linwood Dyer Collection. This collection includes hundreds of photos, documents, and genealogies of people who lived in Scarborough, South Portland, and Cape Elizabeth, Maine. My desire is to analyze the images and reunite the photos with family members who may have never seen the image. The originals in this collection are held by the Scarborough Historical Society.

Newton & Grace (Pednault) Curtis, 1966.

Photo of Newton & Grace Curtis at their 25th wedding annaversary
Newton & Grace Curtis 25th wedding annaversary – Feb 1966.

The photo identifying information includes:

  • (The photographer is unidentified.)
  • Handwritten on the back is, “Newton Curtis, 164 Marrett – w-brook.”
  • Included with the photo is a newspaper clipping from the Portland Express, dated Feb 18, 1966, “Westbrook Business Couple Mark 25 Years of Marriage.”
Clipping regarding Newton & Grace Curtis 25th Wedding Annaversary celebration.

Why I believe this to be the individual.

I added this photo to my Linwood Dyer Collection family tree on Ancestry.

Newton Curtis Family & Martha Brown, 1951(?)

Photo of the Newton Curtis Family, winter clothes, snowbanks around.
Newton & Grace Curtis, 3 children & Cousin Martha Brown

The photo identifying information includes:

  • Handwritten on the back is, “Grace Pednault Curtis, Newton Curtis, their 3 children
  • Stephen, Carolyn, Newt JR & cousin Martha Brown about 1951.

Why I believe this to be the individual.

  • Previous research has identified this family group, however, I don’t see how Martha relates to Newton, Grace, or the children. Hopefully, her relationship will become evident with further research.

I have added this photo to my Linwood Dyer Collection tree on Ancestry.

Newton Curtis, Jr., 1947.

The photo identifying information includes:

Photo of a baby, about 2 years old.
Newton Curtis, Jr. age 2.
  • The studio says, “An Etchcraft by Harvard.”
  • Handwritten on the bottom reads, “Newton Gibbin Curtis, Jr. – 1947.

Why I believe this to be the individual.

  • This is the last of the Curtis photos that I have in this collection.
  • The 1950 Census lists Newton Curtis, Jr. as two years old, living with his parents, Newton and Grace Curtis, at 143 Lamb in Westbrook, Maine.

I added this photo of Newton, Jr., to my Linwood Dyer Collection family tree on Ancestry.

Bernice Irene Dean, 1932.

The photo identifying information includes:

Photo of a young (high school) girl
Bernice Irene Dean – 1932
  • The photographer is Kahill Studios, Portland, Me.
  • Handwritten on the back is “Bernice Irene Dean, South Portland High School, Graduate, 1932.

Why I believe this to be the individual.

  • The 1932 South Portland High School yearbook show this same photo for Bernice Irene Dean “Bunny”
  • Ancestry family trees identify Bernice Irene Dean as the daughter of Charles Roy and Eva Beryl (Harrison) Dean. She was born on 15 Dec 1913 in Portland, Maine.

Ancestry has 10 public trees that refer to Bernice Irene “Bunny” Dean. I uploaded this photo of “Bunny” to my Linwood Dyer Collection tree.

Nellie Dinsmore, circa 1898.

The photo identifying information with this cabinet card is:

Photo of a nurse, circa 1890s.
Nellie Dinsmore c. 1895
  • The photographer is L. & W. C. King, Portland, Maine.
  • The cabinet card has embossed borders and lettering, suggesting it was taken after 1890 and likely before 1900.
  • The young woman, in the photo might have a nurse’s hat on. She appears to be about 20 years old.
  • Handwritten on the back is “Nellie Dinsmore.”

Alternate Individuals.

There are two candidates for this photo:

  • b. 1870 – The 1898 Portland, Maine, City Directory lists Miss Nellie M. Dinsmore, a nurse who roomed at 21 Wilmot. Further research indicates she was born in Jackson, NH, about 1870 and married William Burroughs, of Sanford, Maine, on 23 May 1901. Her marriage record indicates she was a nurse.
  • b. 1872 – Nellie E Smith married William Albine Dinsmore on 16 Aug 1893 in Westbrook. She would have been between 18 and 28 when this photo was taken. She was the daughter of Francis and Margaret (Welch) Smith. She too is a possible candidate.

Because I believe the woman in this photo is wearing a nurse’s cap, is the right age, and whose occupation was nurse when she married, I believe this photo is of Nellie M. Dinsmore (1870-1904). However, because there is another (possible) candidate, I am not 100% certain the photo is of Nellie M Dinsmore (1870-1904), I have uploaded this photo to Dead Fred only. If you can confirm the identification of this young woman based upon other photos, I’d love to hear from you.


  • I identified all six of the 8 individuals in this photo set. Four of the photos I’ve uploaded to my Linwood Dyer Collection Ancestry tree.
  • One photo, I’m about 98% sure is Nellie M. Dinsmore (1870-1904), so I uploaded her photo to Dead Fred.
  • One person, I know the name of and that she is a cousin, but I couldn’t fully identify her.

I would love to hear your reaction if any of these photos are of your family member. Especially if this photo is of a loved one for whom you hadn’t seen this photograph before.

Due to software limitations, the images uploaded to Ancestry and Dead Fred have higher quality than those linked here.


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Remembering Mary (Lyons) Daly (1866-1940)

Welch-Harris Project
In the News

Today, we remember Mary (Lyons) Daley, who died 84 years ago.

The Biddeford Daily Journal (Biddeford, ME), dated May 24, 1940, reported:

Mrs. Mary Daly Died Today

Mrs. Mary Daly, widow of Timothy Daly, a well-known resident of this city and member of St. Marys parish, died this morning at a local hospital.

Mrs. Daly had been seriously ill since last July, but had been showing improvement until last week when she suffered a sudden reverse and since last Friday her condition had been steadily failing.

She was born in Cork, Ireland, and came to this country when a young girl. A few weeks ago she observed her 74th birth anniversary.

She was a member of the Assumption sodality and in the interests of the parish.

Mrs. Daly leaves three daughters, Mrs. Julia Welch, Miss Mary Daly, and Miss Nora Daly, and three grandchildren.

Funeral services will be held at 9 o’clock Monday morning at St. Marys church.

What I learned:

Mary was born in County Cork, Ireland, about 1866. [1]
Mary fell ill in July 1939.
Mary died at a local hospital.

Mary Daly was a Catholic and attended St. Mary’s Church. First known as the Church of the Assumption, it was built in 1856 and was destroyed by a fire. It was rebuilt in 1923 and dedicated in 1926. [2]

The Assumption Sodality is a religious body that aims to foster in its members an ardent devotion, reverence, and love towards the Blessed Virgin Mary—the society which began in 1563. [3]


[1] Mary’s birth in 1866 is in conflict with some other records that place her birth in 1862 and 1865. Mary’s birthdate needs further analysis.
[2] Internet: St. Mary’s Church, Biddeford, Maine – The Museum in the Streets®.
[3] Internet: Our Lady of the Assumption Sodality, Phoenix, AZ, “The History of Sodality.”

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Photo Friday – Curtis (née Pedneault)

Linwood Dyer Collection – Part 015
Photo Friday
By Don Taylor

This week, for Photo Friday, I analyzed the people in five photos from the Linwood Dyer Collection. This collection includes hundreds of photos, documents, and genealogies of people who lived in Scarborough, South Portland, Cape Elizabeth, & Westbrook, Maine. I like to analyze the images and, hopefully, reunite the photos with family members who may have never seen the image. The originals in this collection are held by the Scarborough Historical Society.

Grace (Pedneault) Curtis, 1944 (age 26).

There is no photographer information with this photo.

Grace (Pedneault) Curtis, 1944.

Handwritten on the back it says: “Grace Pedneault Curtis – taken for & sent to – Pvt Newton G. Curtis – stationed in Paris – during World War II – About February 17, 1944 – Our anniversary.

Why I believe this to be the individual.

  • A review of Ancestry Public Trees quickly found Newton G. Curtis, who married Grace Alice Pedneault on 17 Feb 1941 in Westbrook, Maine. Grace was born on 10 July 1917 in Westbrook.

I am confident this photo is of Grace (Pedneault) Curtis taken when she was 26 years old.

I uploaded her photo to my Linwood Dyer Collection Family Tree.

Grace (Pedneault) & Newton Curtis, 1942 & 1944.

Grace & Newton Curtis, 1944/
Newton & Grace Curtis, 1942.

There were two photos in a single cardboard photo frame. Photo identifying information includes:

  • Photo 1 – “Taken in South Portland – 1942.” In another pen and hand, it says “Aug 30, 1942.”
  • Photo 2 – “In So. Carolina, July 1944, Camp Craft – Grace & Newton Curtis.”

Why I believe this to be the individual.

  • Newton & Grace Curtis are already in my Linwood Dyer Collection family tree.

I am confident these photos are of Newton and Grace (Pedneault) Curtis taken in 1942 and again in 1944 while Newton was in the service.

I uploaded their photos to my Linwood Dyer Collection Family Tree.

Newton Curtis, 1936 & c. 1942

Private Newton Curtis, ca. 1942.
Newton Curtis, ca. 1935.

Photo identifying information on the back reads:

  • Photo 1 – “Newton G Curtis – 1936 or 35.”
  • As I went through the photos, I discovered another photo of Newton (Photo 2). Handwritten inside it reads, “Pvt Newton Curtis – 1/9 94” I don’t know what the numbers mean, but this is clearly a photo of Newton while he was in the service, probably 1942.

Why I believe this to be the individual.

  • Newton Curtis is already in my Linwood Dyer Collection family tree.

I am confident these photos are of Newton Curtis taken in 1935 or 1936 and 1942. So, I uploaded these photo to my Linwood Dyer Collection Family Tree.


  • I changed my process somewhat. Rather than taking the photos as they were, I started alphabetizing them and grouping them in folders. In this case, I was able to combine 5 photos all dealing with the Newton Curtis family. I’ll continue working with surnames in groups in the hope of reducing my research time.
  • I identified the two individuals in these five photos. I have created entries for them in my Linwood Dyer Collection tree on

I would love to hear your reaction if any of these photos are of your family member. Especially if this photo is of a loved one for whom you hadn’t seen this photograph before.

Due to software limitations, the images uploaded to Ancestry have higher quality than those linked here.

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