Category Archives: Saturday
Collins – Surname Saturday
I don’t really know much about my Collins ancestors, but they are among my earliest ancestors, 8th 9th and 10th great grandparents. They were part of the “Great Migration” of the early 1600s arriving in Massachusetts then locating to Connecticut. … Continue reading
Surname Saturday – Cochran
Montran, Barber, Blackhurst, Cochran Line By Don Taylor Sometimes it is necessary to just put the brakes on. So, is the case with Surname Saturday for Cochran. My fourth great-grandmother, Lydia Ellen Cochran, supposedly, is the wife of Stephen Blackhurst … Continue reading
Surname Saturday – Chamberlin
The Chamberlin surname derives from an official title, “the chamberlain,” literally one who takes care of a chamber. The chamberlain often had charge of his lord’s receipts and payments.[i] Chamberlin is an English variant of Chamberlain. My one known ancestor … Continue reading
Last Hopfe on Earth?
I was recently asked, “Are there any people left on Earth with the surname Hopfe?” As far as the asker knew, her Hopfe line had daughtered out with her. Certainly, surnames go extinct. I’ve read how Hugh Bonneville’s (famous for … Continue reading
Buel – Surname Saturday
Brown Line Name Origin According to Ancestry.Com, Buel is a variation of Buell. Then they indicate that Buell is, for Welsh, a variant for Bowell and for Dutch, it is an occupation name for a hangman. It continues that Bowell is … Continue reading