One of my favorite documents for genealogy research is a will. Generally, wills provide information regarding close family relationships. Besides relationships, wills can clarify information and lead to more questions regarding an individual’s life. Reuben’s will provides a conflict with other records regarding his death. It raises questions regarding some of his children and new questions regarding his FAN (Family, Associates, and Neighbors).
Be it remembered that I Ruben Fugate of Rawls county and the state of Missouri being weak in body but sound in mind and memory calling to mind the mortality of man and knowing it is once appointed for all men to die do make and ordain this to be my last will and testament in form following.
To wit first I do commit my soul to God who gave it and my body to the earth to be buried in a Christian like burial and as for the worldly wealth which it has been please god, to bestow on me. I dispose of in the following manner after the payment of all my just debts and the necessary expenses for a decent burial I will and bequeath unto my well loved well beloved wife Catherine Fugate two negro men one named Antony aged about forty and the other named George aged thirty together with all my money bonds notes and accounts both in this state and in Kentucky together with the improvement that we now live on and all my stock of every kind with the exception of one mare also my wagon and all the apparatus belonging to sd wagon and all the farming utensils and all the household and kitchen furniture. The same to have and to hold subject to be by her moved and disposed of as she may think proper during her natural life then to be returned to my two daughters Rachael and Grizzy or so much there of as may be on hand. I also will and bequeath to my two daughters Rachael Mannon and Grizzy Prince the following
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Named negros to be between them equally divided, (MZ) Sarah, Caroline, Mary, Didama & Smith the same to be for their own proper use and benefit during their natural live after which they together with their increase to descend to the children of the said Rachael & Grizzy also the mare which has not been disposed of in the foregoing is to be kept by my wife during her stay in this county and her two first colts to be given to the two sons of my two daughters Ruben Mannon & Ruben Prince after which or in case of the removal of my wife from the country previous to that time the mare is to become the property of Rachael Mannon and if the said mare should have two more colts they are to be given to Enoch and Isaac Mannon to be of right their own property for their own use and disposal.
To the above and foregoing which I make and ordain as my last will and testament I appoint my wife Catharine Fugate the sole and only Executrix in testimony whereof I hereon set my hand and seal this 19th day of June 1833,
           Reuben Fugate {Seal} Attest J. D. Caldwell John Musick
State of Missouri} County of Ralls  } In the county Court in and for said county of Ralls August Term A. D. 1833.
  The last will and testament of Reuben Fugate deceased late of our county of Ralls is produced in open court and proving by the oath of James L Caldwell and John Musick two subscribing witnesses to said will who severally made oath that each of them were present when the said Reuben Fugate signed sealed acknowledged and delivered the said will as for his act and deed hand and seal for the purposes therein expressing as his last will and testament and at that time he appeared to be of sound and disposing mind.
I Charles Glascock clerk of the county court in and for the county of Ralls in the state of Missouri certify the above to be a true copy
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Of the record made in said court in testimony whereof I the clerk of aforesaid have herein set my hand and seal of office August 6th A.D. 1833
  Charles Glascock Clerk Recorded August 6th A.D. 1833.
Facts learned or confirmed:
The will is dated 19 June 1833, proved in August, and recorded on 6 August 1833.
Reuben Fugate was Christian.
Reuben’s wife was Catherine. She was also the Executrix.
Reuben had two daughters – Rachael Mannon & “Grizzy” (Grizzela) Prince.
Reubin’s will mentions four grandchildren:
Rachael’s three sons: Ruben, Enoch, & Isaac Mannin.
Grizzy’s son: Ruben Prince.
Witnesses (FAN):
James D. Caldwell
John Musick
Mannin Family Bible & Reuben Fugate’s Will
           The Manning Family Bible has an entry for Reuben Fugate and that he died June 13th, 1833. That is the date that Family Search and WikiTree have for his death. Likewise, the vast majority of the over 1500 Ancestry public trees also indicate 13 June 1833 as his death date. However, the record of his will indicates he signed it on the 19th of June 1833, six days after his death. Either the Manning bible entry or the record of his will is incorrect.
           Bible: The Family Record – Deaths lists many deaths; Ruben’s entry is on the second half. Possibly the two entries were made on the right side, and then six more entries were done on the left side. It is also possible that the two entries on the right side were entered long after the fact. Equally likely, the entries on the left are all Mannin surnames and the two on the right are the Fuget entries.
           Will: The record of the will indicates Reuben signed the will on 19 June 1833. However, the will was transcribed by a clerk, Charles Glascock. It is possible that Charles transcribed it incorrectly, but he may have transcribed it correctly. His will was proofed in August and recorded on 6 August 1833, indicating he died between 19 June and 6 August.
I don’t know which is correct, but I do hope that further research into Reuben’s life and records will shed further insight into his death date. But for the time being, I select 13 June 1833 as his perferred death date.
Reuben mentioned his grandson, Reuben, in his will. Also, Enoch and Isaac are mentioned. However, two other grandchildren, Thomas and Tubill, are not mentioned, and they are older than little Reuben. Could my birth dates for the children be incorrect, or did Reuben (the elder) bypass four grandchildren and jump to his (apparent) namesake to give the two-year-old a colt?
Who were James D Caldwell and John Musick of Ralls County, Missouri, and were they related to Reuben, or were they acquaintances or neighbors?
I’ve had 13 June 1833 as Reuben Fugate’s death date for decades and will keep it as a preferred date. However, I will add “between 19 June and 6 August 1833” as an alternate date.